Times they are a'changin'
Australia is sending contestants to the European Song contest regardless of the fact it is not part of the land mass of Europe. Conchita a male person wearing earrings, lippy and false eyelashes with a falsetto voice had also previously taken part as a lady. I paused looked to the heavens and whispered “Where am I”
It was a male person named Bob, Bob Dylan who summed up the state of play in 1964. He was right you know, things were certainly “a-changing” has anyone since asked the question has it been for the best?
Bobby would never have guessed new words would be added to our vocabulary like Spermageddon. *SPERMAGEDDON* what the hell is that you ask?
Well, it is killing those poor little thingy’s that create life before they even start on their terribly short, one-way journey.
I am led to believe there are not a lot of those thingy’s around these days anyway. My friend said that is because certain additives are, well being added to our water and because of our mobile phones are emitting radiation which is placed right next to our privates. I have heard they are experimenting upping this radiation to S9 or even much more. It might kill the production of these little thingy’s quicker but by golly, we will have a more efficient mobile phone system. Makes sense I ‘spose.
Despite the culling of these little thingy’s that create a life I have arrived. Who am I Arthur, Martha, am I a Les Bean, a Homo thingy or both? Am I gender neutral, or Binary something, these things are important to know before I start my journey. I know for certain I am not gay as there are times I feel positively and utterly depressed and miserable. Well, that’s enough about me and my personals.
How about this I could slot myself in a group known as “Genderqueer” also known as non-binary, it’s a catch-all category for gender identities, those transitioning to something else like a bowl of porridge which is really good because it removes any confusions one might have had on exiting the womb. I read they are giving children tablets who are confused about their gender. I almost said sex, the poor darlings who really don’t know whether they are Robin or…. er Robyn.
Personally I like the good old days when one of those little thingy’s of which I wrote of earlier of which we had hundreds and thousands ‘praps millions were allowed to continue their journey and get on with the job they were entrusted to do and not having other people not involved in the process sticking their fingers into other people private business.
The internet abounds with wall to wall porno, you get to choose your own blend there is certainly a rich variety as a Solo artists, with a friend/friends, groups, with the same sex partaking in a variety of antics which we have never heard of involving things only acrobats are capable of.
If I am selected to represent my country in the forthcoming Olympics I might be confronted by questions if I were to be selected to take part in the ladies 100 meters hurdles would I have to have the bits of me that might be protruding removed if only to show good faith. Am I prepared to that just to receive a medal or a hug from my trainer? It is a hard ask, ….if you ask me.
The Times have certainly not stopped ‘a-changin’ they have truly changed.
The visitors who have been traveling the Galaxies and Universes and praps dimensions would look down on this inconsequential blue/green rock floating without any apparent purpose against a cyclorama of ebon darkness confused by the antics of its inhabitants and whisper “keep going Jack, come back in a thousand years” this species has only just started to evolve.