Friday 5 April 2013

The King Makers.

The King Makers.

The Holocaust cannot be refuted or proved; simply because the law has decreed it cannot be debated.
It was Churchill who in 1946 coined the expression ‘The Iron Curtain’ and the American President George W. Bush who referred to Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the ‘Axis of evil’. By the same token, historians will document that it was a little known blogger whose non-de-plume was Albion, a blogger for a very popular Nationalist internet site as the originator of the expression International Super Jews before it came into general usage and was firmly cemented in place in our modern language.

These days I pay a lot more attention to the utterings of International Super Jews than politicians. Politicians do their bidding; Super Jews are the King Makers. Although rich beyond the dreams of avarice Qatar and Saudi Arabia whose money influences UK and European politics and who use their wealth and influence to spread the deadly cult of Islam are not the King Makers, far from it they are just goat herders and camel traders who became wealthy desert people overnight who happened by pure chance to be sitting on top of a lot of oil, nothing more. They built their vulgar, ostentatious cities with oil using other people skills. They are still goat herders.

The Makers of Kings and Presidents sit at the head of the table at Bilderberger and illuminati meetings. They also move like shadows at Club of Rome meetings and are the movers and shakers at the Council of foreign relations and Trilateral Commission, NATO is their private army and the Jewish Defence League the storm-troopers.

It is they who decide world direction, who decide who they will invade not presidents not politicians or people we are told are as wealthy as Midas like Bill Gates, although these people I speak of do attend their meetings, there is a top tier and the top tier are the Super Jews. It’s a bit like getting Class A clearance in intelligence; even the president of America is not privy to Class A intelligence.

You do not often see the faces of the king makers they are usually guarded behind heavily tinted windows of Limousines when scurrying to Bilderberger meetings.

Do they have loyalties? Of course they do as a witch has loyalty to a Coven.

Ex- pat International Super Jews guard their homeland of Israel as worker bees protect the Queen Bee but are happy for brave soldiers of foreign lands to die for their security. They sit above Royal Families and Presidents at the Bilderberger table and countries rely on their banks to remain financially stable.

In the UK where the collective groups referred to as white Anglo Saxons divide into English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish tribes there are as many varieties of Jews as there are varieties of show Chickens or Rabbits. There are Ashkenazic Jews, Fake Jews (Edomites) Sephardi Jews, Orthodox Jews, European Jews, Khazars or Turkish Jews Mizrahi Jews, Israeli Jews, Zionist (Jewish Nationalists) Ethiopian Jews and American Jews who are a combination of all those mentioned. Interestingly 10% of American Jews are not classified as white, generally a result of interracial parents.

Please no comments on my possibly incorrect classifications of Jewish groups. The simile is just as the ‘British’ people have ceased to be cohesive tribes of indigenous people so have the Jews.

It has been said Jews have been the scourge of humanity since the days of Christ. I hastily add and I would like to firmly stress to the assassination Squad of Mossad to be aware it is not something I personally ascribe to----- publicly that is.

Jesus was killed because the Roman Empire mercilessly put down any possible source of rebellion or riot. The empire's agents included the Roman prefect Pilate who ordered the execution, and the Jewish high priest Caiaphus and his council who initiated the process. So the Jews have got a lot to answer for here. Fortunately Christ forgave us our sins so the Jews got a free get out of jail card.

But for eons they have wallowed in a victim mentality. I don’t want to get into WW2 atrocities but if I did the only nagging question I would like to ask is where did the perfectly rounded up figure of 6 million come from? Was it rounded up from 2 million or rounded down from 7 million?

I found this interesting information which I will cut and paste from the URL
In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legends.

The International Red Cross audit to December 31, 1984 records a total 282,077 registered deaths of all internees in all German Concentration Camps from all causes (3 copies of documents were registered for deaths from natural causes, 23 copies of documents were required for deaths from other causes)

The Holocaust cannot be refuted or proved simply because it cannot be debated.

Two words that immediately close down all sensible debate are Racist and anti-Semite.

I do not care if at this point in time if Edomite bankers, Jewish Media owners, those interested in the printed word and precious metals are Jews, there is not a lot I can do about it, but I am troubled what these Makers of Kings the Super Jews have in store for the rest of us. They shape the world as a potter shapes his clay. They control American politics and its foreign policies

I am sure they are intensely concerned about the world’s over- population. They know there will be huge civil unrest before they can institute this New Order thus the proliferation of FEMA Camps, Obama attempting to disarm the American public and the manufacture of over a million rounds of stockpiled ammunition. I have read there are of coffins stacked in warehouses although I rather not add any credence to that rumour. Culling the world’s population from 7 billion to 3 billion is on the agenda, although the Rothschild’s would like to see a cull down to about 350,000

Without doubt the International Super Jews are working feverously on a New World agenda and I am sure they believe it is for our good. Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bloomberg, Oppenheim, Kissinger, Diane Feinstein, Spielberg, Soros, Benanke, Warburg, Greenspan, they are all American Jews. It sounds like roll call at a Haifa primary school; they have influence and wealth out of all proportion to the size of their population.

To achieve their purpose there will be massive collateral damage affecting many of the foundations of our civilisations like Nationhood, ethnic loyalties, the Church, gender roles and the family unit, they firmly believe this is baggage that has unknowingly keeping us prisoner and it is time for a change to a collective New Order, perhaps a European Kibbutz.

In conclusion I have to stress the disgusting transformation of the UK could not have proceeded without the collusion of the British Royal Family. The Queen is defender of the Faith, the Christian Faith. She wanders around in a fluffy cloud apparently oblivious to the desecration of homogeneity of the indigenous people.

The UK is agonisingly slowly approaching an Islamic state with over 1600 Mosques; it is part of an enormous conspiracy, religion does not enter into the equation it is above religion.

Racism has been demonised it is akin to blasphemy, An accusation of Racism is like showing a Cross to a Vampire, but it is Racism that save us.

There is no place for any religion or racial identity in the New Order. A collective/communist Marxist oligarchy does not allow for religion, it cannot work with religion as the people of the USSR found out. If something or someone does not stop this madness now we will be the future Proles.

 “NB. The singular reason ‘Racism’ in the Western World must be destroyed at all costs has nothing whatsoever to do with the pretext of an absence or lack of human morality or the non-acceptance of the anthropological differences of ones fellow man, it is that Racism is the glue that binds  a Nation together. It is the foundation of the purest form of Patriotism and loyalty to one’s race that can exist, whether Caucasian, Negro or Oriental. It is the bedrock that cements devotion among African tribal people, Soldiers of Islam or lost tribes in the Amazon Forest..

There is no other single word that perfectly describes the two noble human attributes of Patriotism and Loyalty. Patriotism is the mortal enemy of the New Order; the New Order cannot exist alongside loyalty to one’s kin. Multi-Culturism is the perfect tool which over time can implement a race’s eventual destruction” ……


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