Like the legendary Trojan horse our leaders have invited them in and in time when they have the numbers they could conquer our country without a shot being fired. The legendary fertile wombs of the invaders will also be brutally used in their conquest. Total submission is required after surrender.
The police are totally powerless when Islam is involved, even police dogs have to wear knitted booties when entering a Mosque suspected of criminal activities and they turn a blind eye to hordes of screaming placard-bearing beared warriors of Islam inciting social unrest or instituting a muted version of their own Sharia law in conquered areas of our cities.
Simply, Islam is a “total way of life”. It has provided guidance in every sphere of life, from individual cleanliness, rules of trade, to the structure and politics of the society. Islam can never be separated from social, political, or economic life, since religion provides moral guidance for every action that a person takes, the Quran explaining everything in the life from beginning to end and from birth until death.
There are no compromises in the interpretation of the Quran unlike our holy bible when the Vicar during his Sunday sermon gives his own interpretations of biblical events.
I repeat Islam is a total and complete way of life. It must be a religion as they pray to a God. I am not sure which God I should fear the most theirs or mine or even whether we both share the same one. It is not a race although some might accuse Islam of being a religious cult, they do not worship the Sun or Craven images but its adherents do invocate Allah's name whilst like savage barbarians most cruelly kill God’s animals.
There are other injunctions and commandments which concern virtually all facets of one's personal, family and civic life. These include such matters as diet, clothing, personal hygiene, interpersonal relations, business ethics, responsibilities towards parents, spouse and children, marriage, divorce and inheritance, civil and criminal law, fighting in defence of Islam, relations with non-Muslims, and much more.
With Islam, submission and conquest are bedfellows and it matters not if the conquest is done by the Sword or the Womb, you as the unbeliever are the infidel and thus the enemy, one day you will have to face this enemy that your leaders in their childish naivety invited in. Be aware of their Doctrine Taqiyya that allows deception or lying to Infidels. THAT IS YOU.
I would be hard pressed to find a country on this earth where Islam and Christianity co-exist side by side in peace and harmony whether it is the Congo, India, The Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia or Indonesia. Why our elite imbeciles in Parliament think our civilised Christian country is an exception is baffling beyond belief.
One forsakes Islam on pain of death. Khartoum; A Sudanese judge sentenced a Christian woman to hang for apostasy, despite appeals by Western embassies that freedom of religion should be respected. “We gave you three days to recant but you insist on NOT returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged to death,” Judge Abbas Mohammed Al-Khalifa told the woman, addressing her by a Muslim name, Adraf Al-Hadi Mohammed Abdullah. Her Christian name is Mariam Yahya. Young Christian schoolgirls in Nigeria are kidnapped and sold into slavery or as wives for attempting to gain an education.
A Pakistani court sentenced a mother of five to hang for Blasphemy for defiling the name of the prophet Mohammed in an argument with another worker in a field. It is submission and conquest, but ‘conquesting’ the West nicely.
The Liberalists and those conversant with United Kingdom Orwellian Police-Speak will intone the chant that the Islamic sexual predators who like wild animals stalk and then sexually groom our own underage schoolchildren and by coincidence have a penchant for driving Taxi Cabs and owing Kebab shops and who are residing by invitation of our Government in the UK are but an extremely “tiny minority and are not representative of Islam as a whole”.
Mr and Mrs Helen Beaumont-Carter and their two children Christopher and Elspeth of 1 Ivy cottages, Chaucer’s Way might be nonplussed to hear the call to prayer by the Muezzin wailing like demented Banshees every Friday from one of the 25 lofty minarets in the English city of Bolton conflicting harshly with the church bells of St. Ethelbert’s Priory. The good news is churches still outnumber Mosques in Bolton, but I doubt it will extend into the 22nd century unless we remove most of our politicians or better still remove the Government and its poisonous Larvae, its attendant quangos.
The worry is although it has taken thousands of years for approximately 150 Christian Churches to be built in Bolton it has only taken a brief 58 years to establish 24 Mosques. So by simple reasoning if churches are closing at their current alarming rate because of falling church attendances and the tsunami of Islamic immigrants continue to arrive unabated in ever unsustainable numbers then the number of Mosques in Bolton will have to increase accordingly and alarmingly to cater for the needs of many more disciples of Allah, or is that Mohammed?
Oh, I should point out the Christian city of Birmingham boasts 161 Mosques.
It is interesting to note that between 2001 and 2009 the Muslim population increased almost 10 times faster than the non-Muslim population, catered or should I say powered by over 1500 Mosques. Eat your heart out St Ethelbert.
Olde Albion is feeling the pain. It has defeated many a foreign attacker in its long and glorious history but this battle is one our ‘Christian Soldiers’ will have to fight alone while we still have the numbers, this time it will be far more challenging as we do not have our traitorous Government that has caused this demonic nightmare on our side the first in our history, but we will prevail of that I am certain.
As an addendum an explanation by a servant of Islam, in an overall manner he explains it better than I do.
Islam guides from the cradle to the grave. The way of life of Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be upon Him) is the way of life of Islam. The 24 hours of life of the Prophet is the perfect model for the people to follow till the Dooms Day, his way of speech, his dressing, his dealing with the wives, the children and the people in general, his walking, his sitting, his sleeping, eating, his way in the lavatory while passing urine/stool (what that means I shudder to think) and everything are a model for us. His dealing as the ruler of the Islamic nation, as the judge, as the commander in chief of army, as head of his family etc. all is examples to follow.
As soon as a woman gives birth to a baby, azan is recited on the right ear and iqamat is recited in the left ear of the baby. 'Tahneeq (chewed date, small quantity of honey etc.)' is given to the baby and the baby is given good name. After death, it is obligatory for the Muslims to pray salatul janaza for the dead before burial of the dead body. The dead body should be covered in three pieces of clothes as shown by the Prophet.
Our God, that is the Christian God never did get a commission in the armed forces as far as I know.