Tuesday, 13 August 2019

The Woodstock Shagfest

The Woodstock Shagfest
More than 2 Million Muslims gather for the Hajj in Saudi Arabia. The Hajj is seen as a chance to wipe clean past sins and start fresh. Yep you hear right. Christianity on the other had does not really have an equivalent, well not yet. Also I am are not aware if there are any sins that are not exempt like the decapitation of one’s fellow man or say drowning them in a cage slowly, like really slowly, but I only ask the questions.

On the first day of the Hajj, pilgrims walk around the Ka'bah seven times in an anti-clockwise direction while repeating prayers. Again I do not know if there is a penalty for walking around in a clockwise direction and why this is so important, but Allah seems to think so.

In a moment of reflection I have often thought Christians can organize a similar religious outing around Stonehenge or say the town Hall clock in Droitwich, which brings us the Woodstock.

Woodstock was all about love, and I will drink to that. Trouble was no one knew who was going to be loved at any one time. I was never invited to these love-ins but I have been told it was not unlike a huge Shag-fest and love was the driving theme driven by the hatred of wars particularly the one running currently at that time, the Vietnam War with more to follow, like lots of ‘em.

The Woodstock festival 1969 was a protest to pull soldiers from the Vietnam War, which was happening at that time. However, the main focus of the festival was aimed to support love, peace and freedom, but mainly LOVE …with anyone who happened to be standing around idly, minding their own business, ‘praps ‘aving a quiet fag.

About the Shag-fest; a couple of surviving witnesses say YES there were births at Woodstock. The concert's medical director told reporters at the scene there were two births: one at a local hospital after the mother was flown out by helicopter; the other in a car caught in the epic traffic jam outside the site crowded with more than 400,000 people but as yet no figures have been released for the number of births AFTER Woodstock for fear of causing panic, mayhem and uncertainty for future Woodstock’s which I imagine births could have run into at least double figures, who knows maybe hundreds….thousands?

Back to the Hajj. I would like to put this into some sort of intelligent perspective. I would like to start by saying we are what is referred to as an intelligent species. An Extra Terrestrial species visiting us might inquire how many Gods do we have and how many do we really NEED and more importantly why they are all different gods when they don’t have any, these are the intelligent species I refer to.

A person who will be pushed forward to answer this question will be a ‘professional religious person’ like the POPE and/or an Islamic person who answers the more difficult questions.

Now there are different rules for ladies and here I will cut and paste so I have my facts right.

An Islamic woman may take contraceptive pills to prevent her from menstruating during Hajj season in order to be able to perform Tawaf. Scholars vary in their opinion whether one should take Pills in Hajj to stop Menstruation or use any other means to prevent menstruation. Some are of the opinion that women can use pills to stop menses as long as it is not prohibited or hazardous to health. There are pills available in the drugstores if you want to stop periods during Hajj or delay periods during Hajj. However, for a better understanding of the matter, please consult a scholar. Also, make sure you use these pills only after consulting a doctor. I have not discovered who slid this regulation in but it has not found favour in Christian Churches as yet. Sorry cannot help you on the pills per se.


f the menses start after entering in the state of Ihram, it does not disturb the state of Ihram and the Ihram remains intact. A woman can relinquish Ihram only after completing all the rituals of Hajj including the ritual clipping of hair. However, she should stay at her hotel/ apartment in Makkah and should not enter Masjid-ul-Haram until she takes the bath of purification. She should continue to recite Talbiyah, Takbir, Tahlil, Istighfar, etc. but avoid reciting verses of the Holy Qur’an. After taking bath for purification, she should perform Umrah.

So there you go ladies, no need to go unprepared is there.

Ah, but this is more like it

Friday, 9 August 2019

Our Visitors or Them and Us

 Them and Us  

All human Sapiens on earth are of the same species. We are also classed as Primates as are Orangutans, Chimpanzees and Apes although they are separate species from us all these groups taken separately look the same. All Orangutans are more or less the same colour, as are all Chimpanzees and Macaque monkeys, Zebras and Buffalos. So the question has to be asked why Homo sapiens aren’t the same colour, even more pertinent a question is why not if “we all walked out of Africa” As an aside it is interesting to note African apes are more closely related to humans than to monkeys.

Our differences encourage questions to be asked. Why does our skin colour range from a very black through to a milky white colour this happens to no other species on this planet unless there is a genetic malfunction in the species. Why the skeletal differences? Were we someone else’s experiment?

In human genetics mitochondrial Eve the matrilineal most recent common ancestor of all currently living humans, is believed to be the most recent woman from whom all living humans descend in an unbroken line purely through their mothers. But who introduced Mitru congia Eve? This theory was later changed as there were some academics that discounted that all Homo sapiens originated from females, the word EVE being the offending word.

I did not go to university to study Anthropology so my success or failure in this discipline and the chance of being selected for generous, eye-watering choice positions within Academia will not be judged or clouded by my NOT following the narrative or NOT by singing from the same song sheet. Academia is as tightly controlled as the mainstream media.

Yes I believe as a species we arrived about 65 million years ago, give or take a million or so years. Fossils have proved that.

This is where it gets a little blurry as does the question are we alone in the Universe. Here again controlled Academia follows the narrative, blindly.

It was a similar situation 100 years ago a scientific person who speculated we were being visited by other intelligent species from another part of the solar system would also have been ridiculed and like a Leper expelled and banished from the scientific community as would have an astronomer believing in interstellar visitors today.

I suspect Einstein was concerned about credibility as well. The misinformation continues. Let us put this in some sort of perspective.

Hubble reveals observable universe contains 10 times more galaxies than previously thought. In fact 1,897,765,423,413 more galaxies than originally thought, now in anyone’s book that is an awful lot of Galaxies.

Keeping this thought foremost in your mind like a neon sign, contemplate “Anything within the realm of imagination is possible”

Now we as Homo sapiens have been here for about 65 million years, but I believe what is being deliberately hidden from us are who were the real “Gods and Angels from the sky”? The question asked is how does this God person service the spiritual beliefs and needs of trillions of different possible intelligences? The question is dismissed with a wave of one’s arm with “cus ‘e's omnipotent in‘ee.”

Another question demanding to be asked if we are made in his image how come we are all different?

Garrisons, Castles Fortresses and Citadels were built to guard the wealthy’s assets. Churches were built in every, village, town and city. WHY? The peasants were expendable their religious loyalties were not. In the overall scheme of things religion was critically important to a well ordered society.

The churches were wealthier and more powerful than Kings or Queens.

Repeating, an astronomer believing in interstellar visitors today would be ostracised from the scientific community and termed a crackpot. WHY?

Back to our visitors; it has been theorized that we as a species we were an experiment by these visitors which makes a lot more sense than one person and his father with minimum help by a few followers organizing such a huge undertaking. Briefly the travelling evangelist responsible was crucified interred, resurrected and never being seen again…… it is a big ask.

Christianity started around 2000 years ago; our visitors have been around for 200 BILLION years. Our earthly home was not built in SIX days. It is almost too silly for words to even debate this subject.

The young man on television is presenting a fascinating insight of our planet and its place in the universe. He bravely hinted that on all these billions of star systems there ‘might’ be other primitive species.

The young man omitted to speculate or even hint that not once in any of these fascinating programmes that intelligent species and there are quite a number of them I might add have been visiting this nondescript blue/green planet floating against an ebon cyclorama without any apparent purpose for billions of years. He follows the narrative. Lovely knowledgeable man, BUT He does not write the narrative he just reads it.

To sum up, there is gathering evidence that these visitors that have been visiting our little planet since the dawn of time and here it is guesswork they used the evolving species on this planet for a purpose, it has been speculated they were used to mine resources.

It has also been theorized other primate species were bought here and seeded with the existing emerging species and a hybrid population evolved. We all are HYBRIDS our DNA was also tampered with to produce a particular specimen which accounts for the huge differences in our human population.

What is really tantalizing is they are still visiting us and live among us. They are not as primitive to travel the galaxies and universes in little metal things we all call ‘Flying Saucers’. 

Think about it if Barney and Betty Hill were abducted by these intelligences and taken to Zeta Reticuli Two which is 39 light-years away even travelling at the speed of light, were separately shown star maps and trade routes and these accounts verified by polygraph tests then they were returned to earth within days so we must theorize about dimension-hopping or portals. Wherever they have come from might be billions of miles away.

But Barney and Betty Hill may have never left our planet but were shown the star maps and trade routes telepathically. Just a thought.

So to sum up why we are not told about this theory, thousands of people have seen these things, as have airline pilots, air traffic controllers, Military people and large groups of people even one American President but this news will never make the main TV news, why is that I hear you you ask?

It is pretty simple. Two things immediately go out of the window. The first is our belief in a spiritual God Person, the other which have more than just touched on, there are other intelligent species billions of years ahead of us populating the galaxies and universe.

What is the purpose of this deception you ask? Religion or spiritual beliefs as we understand it has kept order on this planet for at least 2000 years, it has created fear and awe as regards what is awaiting us in the hereafter and fear selected wrong-doing to this “God person” teachings result in fear of eternal damnation.

To sum up, in the broader scheme of things we are an emerging intelligent species but to our visitors not unlike an 
 Ants nest on the edge of a ten-lane highway 

Google "Rachaels Eyes"   Helen Littrell's experience.