Monday, 15 September 2014

I am not a Racist but…

       I am not a Racist but…….
Racist is the buzzword for the enemies of Globalisation, it is the title given to patriotic opponents who do not embrace the Race and Nation destroying evil of Multiculturism. If God exists then I rank the deliberate fragmentation and destruction of cultures as against God and his creation. Islam meanwhile like Carrion will feast on the spoils of Muticulturism but never embrace it.

“There is only one God but Allah. Peace be upon him عليه السلام”. It is a mocking conundrum; Islam knows no peace. Never will a disciple of Allah or an Oriental person preface a debate on the destruction of their nationhood and common culture by lamely excusing themselves by first looking around furtively, lowering their head and whispering ‘I am not a racist but’; it appears to be the sole reserve and terrible weakness of the Caucasian races.

We are told by the government controlled Media we have been blessed and enriched beyond our wildest dreams with a plethora of ‘rich, vibrant, exciting and diverse’ communities. A Mr Rigby would violently disagree, as would the mothers of over a thousand underage girls raped by these same people, as would the family of the decapitated 80 year old woman. Without this enrichment there would be no visible Ethnic Clusters, diversity causes fragmentation that is precisely why Tower Hamlets exists at all.

These desert and hill tribes-people each with their own religion, strange tribal superstitions, traditions, and biblical customs display standards of behaviour so very different and alien to our own. Alongside we have shrinking Diasporas of indigenous people who are not OF communities but to whom this land, this ‘sceptred isle’ belongs, it is their Ancestral Homeland.

While this homeland is being taken away by their own leaders and shared with the rest of the world the cowardly aggrieved person voicing resentment of the confiscation of the land of his ancestors apologetically stutters “I am not a racist but….”

It is understandable, unless he is extremely careful his next comment explaining why he is not a Racist could land him in Jail as quickly as brave Emma West found to her horror. He is cowed and terrified, and that has always been the plan, Emma was an example of what will happen if you object vocally to your country being ‘up for grabs’ If the history books are not rewritten, edited or parts deleted as in Orwell 1984 then brave Emma West’s name will at least remain forever in our history books as a patriot alongside Briton’s warrior Queen Boadicea who fought the Romans.

300 years ago the peasantry would have risen up, what happened to the brave people of Great Britain, is it difficult watching your country being given away?

If it is of any comfort we are not alone. All European people are also going through these same agonies in varying degrees as their leaders invite the Third World in for succour and sanctuary in suicidal numbers. Sweden particularly is an Ebola-like festering spore in a decaying Europe; it is not being conquered by force of arms but by the screaming, criminally insane policies of a rabid traitorous Socialist government who’s Press and Minister of Diversity will not tell the people of the seriousness of the rape epidemic and who is 100% responsible.

This year, Sweden expects up to 80,000 asylum-seekers from Syria, Eritrea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries — the highest number since 1992. With thousands of Syrian immigrants who live in Sweden and are unable to speak Swedish, I liken it to death by a thousand cuts; let us not forget last year's riots in the suburbs of Malmö and Stockholm.

But there is hope for Sweden with an election due and likely to be won by a party that wants some sanity exercised on the degree of immigration.

The Federal Socialist States of Europe exhibit as much loyalty to their people as does the government of Great Britain, we are all just part of this embryo that is the New Order and that New Order is Globalist in nature and structure, a world totalitarian system of government. The only way to achieve this is to destroy the nations of Europe by firstly over time diluting the indigenous population then replacing them as did China with Tibet, as did Britain did using the Indians to replace the Fijians.

The British government is NOT loyal to its people but is quite prepared to sacrifice the lives of its young people to fight its foreign wars which are none of our business.

In the scheme of things we are all quite dispensable. If 9/11 was NOT a conspiracy then 3,000 innocent people died to provide a government an excuse to invade another country. The people who choose and control presidents and Prime ministers are almost God-like in their absolute power. A One Order will happen.

We have no idea how insignificant we the people really are in the scheme of things. What they play is a game so huge and encompassing that is totally beyond the comprehension of us mere mortals, if they say we are overpopulated and 6 Billion people need to be culled then 6 Billion people WILL be culled. If China or Russia needs to be neutralised then they will be. It is the powerful that will decide what order this NEW ORDER will take.

If there is to be a One World Government, a One World Army and a One People it will be so. It will only happen because the people think it will not happen, and that is precisely the state of the dumbed-down minds of the uneducated Prols.

The US secretary of Defence stated in an interview recently ’’we are seeing built in the 21st century a NEW ORDER, the U.S has some responsibility to help lead that but we can’t help dictate that order but we can shape it ’’ It is just as well we do not know where the people fit into this New Order.

Come election time changing the Government achieves absolutely nothing, it is rigged by the very design of a flawed democracy; you have no choice. Choice is an illusion; it will be a replay of the last election, same policies different leaders all disloyal to their own people.

This country has always been Class ridden and Class governed and it is now sacrificing its people to achieve a global society. It is a Class war, the Elite Class versus the people.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Europia. Ministry of Plenty Edict V109

Europia. Ministry of Plenty Edict V109

The unelected spokespeople in Der Rathaus in Brussels have decreed that as from Monday Sept 1st 2014 the manufacture and import of any models of Vacuum Cleaner above the threshold of 1600 watts will be banned as part of the European Commission’s Ecodesign plans to meet targets on energy efficiency.

The circular sent from EU Departments involved in the saving of planet Earth stated categorically that high powered vacuums should not be discussed jointly with the European Union reps private 6 cyl 4 wheel drive vehicles and the fleet of EU Commissions 8 cyl limo’s sitting in the car park or even the air conditioning running 24 hours a day in the Commissions offices.

I would have thought it would have been more prudent to gently ease the smelly peasants into using power saving devices starting off with curbing the use of high powered electric toothbrushes or perhaps limiting the use of electric blankets to one per family. A high ranking and very highly paid unelected representative of the EU stated pompously we have to start somewhere and WE thought Vacs was a good as place as any.

Several shops have sold out of their more powerful machines after householders were told to “act quickly” with the ban looming. Maybe the authorities have anticipated people who own these high powered vacs will use them at illegal drag racing meetings.

I foresee a compulsory buyback of the high powered Vacs in the future; meanwhile they will be secreted alongside enemies of the people’s illegal pump action shot guns and catapults in secure hiding places. It is obvious this needless edict will force technically inclined people to buy the lower rating vacuum cleaners then install ride-on mower engines and crash gear boxes in them. Doesn’t take an Einstein you know!

Some highly paid Clerk on the thirty fifth floor of the Democratic Peoples Presidium in Brussels has not thought this one through. Firstly there are NOT a lot of people in Liberia and Nigeria or in fact most of Africa, Bhutan and Islands in the Indian Ocean pushing high powered vacs around so that has written off a third of the world’s population for starters and I haven’t even started on China or India.

If you were to google ‘Flightradar’ you will see every plane in the sky, even queuing up to take off, oh apart from the unfortunate Malaysian Airlines MH 370 that is, and there are thousands of them in the air at any one time. I was led to believe it is the exhaust gases from these airliners in the high atmosphere that are causing the greatest damage to our planet, but hell, let us sort out vacs first.

Marlene Holzer, energy spokesman for the European Commission, said wattage does not directly indicate a vacuum’s performance. She added that a product’s efficiency in turning electrical power into dust collection would be measured under the new rules. I assume from that remark she was not at the meeting when wattage sizes of vac motors was being discussed. Maybe it was a chance remark made by her husband at the breakfast table that jogged her memory, who knows?

So if wattage does not directly indicate a vacs performance why not install a 2 litre, Super-charged Ford Escort engine. The thinking here is if each person who is using a lower wattage vac believes it will increase the planets life by 2 days before we are all gasping for breath for lack of life-giving oxygen, dusty carpets are going to be the least of our worries, so why bother.

A spokesperson said “A Best Buy 2,200-watt vacuum costs around £27 a year to run in electricity – only around £8 more than the best-scoring 1,600-watt we’ve tested.” So I surmise after 20 years of energy savings using eco-friendly vacs the health of Planet Earth will immediately be blown when this spokesperson I speak of takes a gruelling long haul first class flight from Brussels to London.

A study ordered by the European Commission has identified up to 30 electrical appliances including lawn mowers, smart phones and kettles that could be covered by the EU’s Ecodesign directive outlawing high-wattage devices. The wife is getting twitchy about her electric photo frame on the sideboard. As an aside perhaps the design of Heart Pacemakers may also have to be reworked.…………………………. Beam me up Spotty!