Friday, 2 November 2012

News from the Brussels Desk. May 2019

News from the Brussels Desk. May 2019

The Western Regions European Minister for Enlightenment informed the European Empire Parliamentary Committee this morning it had been brought to his attention that despite threats of incarceration there were still pockets of dissent and dissatisfaction amongst the grubby peasants. The Ministry of Truth formerly the British Broadcasting Corporation, who are presently feverously deleting, rewriting, rewording and re-editing English History and Language to avoid offending the fragile ethnic sensitivities of people’s of a myriad of cultures, colors and creeds, informed the First Minister that they was greatly concerned that this dissent was much more widespread than at first reported.

He also informed the house that it has been brought to his attention that some nervousness is being displayed by the Europol’s Police and Border security and warned that this dissent just might explode into widespread civil disobedience. It has only been 10 years since the new reformation of Europe which incorporated Great Britain, despite agitation from small splinter Nationalist groups throughout the regions misinforming the peasants, despite safeguards which were written into the protocols of the final 2009 Treaty of Berlin, that democratic elections as we know them will cease to exist. You will remember it was only as recently as 2016 that that the EU granted itself Empire status.

The KKVD, the shadowy and secretive Europia intelligence arm also warned the Parliament that intelligence had been received that the Czech pressure group Nezavisli Demokrate group may be preparing to challenge the Czech Government on flagrant breaches of its country’s constitution on passing governance to Brussels.

You may remember it was this pressure group that was one of the opposition parties contesting the last democratic election before Czechoslovakia’s application for membership of the EU; they were accused of being a one issue party, their main platform being the immediate withdrawal from the European Union, as it was known at the time. He said if this was to have occurred today then trade and economic sanctions would have immediately been applied.

Herr Herman Glocke, the European Empire Trade and resources minister commented that renegade anti government political parties operating under the guise of democracy will not be tolerated. He continued by warning the committee vigilance is paramount and any lapse by the authorities might one day find the peasants calling for democratic elections.

He reminded the committee it was only last year a previously unknown political group calling themselves the UK Freedom Christian Alliance were to have held its inaugural meeting in a room above the White Hart in Basingstoke. The meeting was broken up after a raid by the swift intervention of the European Quick Response Group (EQRG), Western Division; all those arrested were held in custody for the customary 3 weeks without parole for political activism and subversion. Herr Glocke went on to say without timely intervention such as this, social chaos and unrest would result within the fledgling Empire.

Portrait of a Modern day British Politician

Portrait of a Modern day British Politician

It’s with some trepidation I read of the daily continual lawlessness in our country, so much so I am becoming numbed by it. As with Sodom and Gomorrah and the destruction that was the glory of the Holy Roman Empire, are we unknowingly witnessing the end times in the Western world? Strange events and happenings are occurring and we appear to be taking it all for granted. For instance many people who are sedated and consumed by political correctness see nothing wrong with same sex marriages, or couples of the same sex given custody of children.

A women bystander at Elton John’s homosexual wedding said gushingly to the reporter that, quote “The couple looked radiant” I would have like to remind this mindless, air headed female that this couple were two men, not a man and a woman who were about to be joined together as one on the most important day of their lives and hopefully one of the fruits of their union will be children, not two men whose union is solely for ‘on demand sex’ with a high certainly of passing Aids, Gonorrhea or Syphilis to each other!

A man goes to Russia to demonstrate for homosexual rights. It is this man who has pushed for the age of sexual consent for young boys to be dropped to 14. He is then outraged because he is manhandled and given short shrift by the authorities. The homosexual movement does not refer to him as a practicing Pedophile which he is, but as a human rights activist for minority groups.

I read a hotel in Melbourne Australia has banned any heterosexual patrons from using the hotel. The homosexual bar was also a highlight on Hens parties tours, they too have been banned. The commentator reassures us that this is not controversial as there has been a male only ‘bath house’ up the road for years. So what we have here is not so much a hotel as a running open sewer.

It is a well known fact that if you play in drains you will catch some very nasty infectious diseases. The farce is when a homosexual man witnesses the slow death of his gaunt, hollow eyed partner who he has helped to shorten his days on Gods earth, he then blames the government for not spending more money on finding a cure for his disgusting, unnatural pleasures of the flesh.

Now for something completely different! I power up my Pee Cee to check my mail and I am greeted by daily offers to increase my sexual potency or even increase the measurements of my said member. After deleting all these once in a lifetime offers, I then read of an offer by a Mr. Somboko, a Nigerian government minister who has singled me out of all the people in the world to help him discretely move 15 million pounds in gold and American currency out of his country. I am sure Mr. Somboko will be devastated when I ignore his generous offer and bounce his e-mail back to him. There are other great offers, like how I can make a killing on the Stock Exchange, or by clicking on this link I can update my bank account details with a bank I have never heard of.

I sometimes wonder if technology that has made the world smaller and brought us closer together, is not actually hastening its demise.     Another British Politician


The Stockholm Syndrome

The Stockholm Syndrome

Or being shafted without your knowledge

It amazes me that the native people of the UK apathetically and with apparent disinterest watch their county being slowly changed beyond recognition without a voice being raised in dissent or anger. The social changes to this country since WW2 have been mind-bending and catastrophic.

Only during daylight hours one can feel reasonably safe to visit many parts of our towns and cities. Witness the Mosques, the strangely dressed natives, burkah clad females and wonder what part of the world you have found yourself in. This is England a once Christian country.

We as loyal patriots can see the obvious impending social turmoil, why can’t they. Surely it is self-inflicted; it does not have to be.

Could we liken it to being placed in a bath of cold water and the temperature imperceptibly raised to a point where we are boiled alive, or placed in a room the oxygen slowly removed until too late we realize that we are having trouble breathing when we lapse into unconsciousness and die, or continually being abused, so much so we find empathy and security with our abusers? The connection is there.

As a tasteless analogy, it is similar to being peed on for 60 years, after the first 10 years you don’t notice it and after the next 50 years you don’t care any more.

Now think about that. I wonder if there is not some almost bizarre but intangible undiscovered connection with what is known as The Stockholm syndrome. Basically it is loyalty to a more powerful abuser.

The Stockholm syndrome comes into play when a captive cannot escape and is isolated and shown token acts of kindness by the captor. The captor here is the system, the treasonous government, the racially discriminate and politicized Police and the PC establishment and far left socialist run councils who keep the peasants sedated by lies and misinformation also spread by the government’s BBC propaganda unit.

Stockholm syndrome is a survival mechanism. The men and women who suffer from it are not lunatics. They are fighting for their very unique racial existence, in our case we are looking for protection from a terrorist threat, in the future that threat WILL come from within.

It is a threat that WOULD NOT EXIST if it were not for successive governments suicidal immigration policies. “Home Grown Terrorist” what a truly disgusting situation has caused this festering disease in a once civilized society.

We are being threatened by the very people who have been allowed into our country and who are now affecting OUR way of life and altering the face of many of our English towns and cities. We are now subjected to cruel and ruthless legislation by our captors threatening anyone with incarceration who objects to their reckless and suicidal immigration policies.

Stockholm Syndrome in the past has been experienced by concentration camp prisoners, cult members, political prisoners in Chinese Communist prisons, pimp-procured prostitutes, incest victims, physically and/or emotionally abused children, battered women, prisoners of war, victims of hijackings, and of course, hostages.

Virtually anyone can suffer the Stockholm syndrome if the following conditions are met:

1) Perceived threat to survival and the belief that one’s captor is willing to act on that threat; perceived or real terrorist threat.

2) The captive’s perception of small kindnesses from the captor. (Lies and positive biased ‘feel good’ misinformation but not about the real problems facing this country, and the absurd, baseless threat of isolation for our not being ‘With Europe’

3) Isolation from perspectives other than those of the captors perceived inability to escape. IE escape to where?

The last time these set of circumstances arose was just prior to the rise of Nazi Germany. Bliar, Brown, Straw and ‘Red’ Ken Livingstone and the rest of the traitorous henchmen should be shot for instituting the slow and violent destruction of a once proud society.

The country waits patiently for a loyal leader who genuinely cares for this country, its own people and its future, but I very much doubt he will come from within as the Stockholm syndrome seems to have affected most of the population.

Their social conditioning over the last 60 has been a resounding success; threats of incarceration for speaking out have silenced most of the population.

The Truth is no Defence, a man of the law said so.

If these “home grown” traitors tell the people, who through years of conditioning and who now unwittingly suffer from this syndrome and through preconscious indoctrination that the British National Party is a threat, then so be it.

The British National Party is NOT a threat. The very idea that the BNP just might be their only salvation is unthinkable faced with this relentless and continual Orwellian preconscious mind conditioning and villainous slander.

In closing I would like to remind you that in the past very generous donors to the NuLabour election funds don’t receive a birthday card on their birthday, they receive a Knighthood. The fraud and corruption leave me breathless.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

The Game Plan

The Game Plan
As the rampant spread of a bacterial infection is a direct result of an undressed wound, a simile would be the effect of social upheaval within the EU’s federated states sphere of influence caused by the huge movement of people from the very poor EU countries to richer countries this is further exacerbated by the interference in the internal affairs of European sovereign states by the United Nations.

The long term evil aspirations of the European Union of Socialist States and Regions EUSSR) and the United Nations born of the League of Nations, are identical, in that it has less to do with democracy, human rights, close economic co-operation and financial ties but more to do with the eventual creation of a one Europe. The EU by default because of open European borders funnel the poor of Europe into the richer EU satellites countries and the UN funnel all the third world flotsam into the first world.

Their Marxist theory is that nation states create national tensions, destroy Nationalism and the wars that have plagued Europe for centuries will cease. Any political party that is opposed to the wanton destruction of nation states will be confronted head on by the leaders of the Socialist States Presidium situated in Brussels, The Hague, Geneva and Amsterdam, the gloves are off and true democracy ceases to exist. It is in its full momentum, nothing will be allowed to stop it now, and it’s been too long in the planning.The Marxist game plan for Europe is that Nationalism will never again be allowed to flourish.

I have lifted a few passages from the CIB booklet. The CIB (Campaign for an Independent Britain) is a non political pressure group and calls for open democratic debate on Great Britain’s future within Europe and for a referendum as is our lawful right when there are changes to our constitution.

The seriousness of the situation is not so much the changes to our constitution that have taken place but rather the replacement of our constitution by the EU constitution or Lisbon Treaty as it is more commonly known, without a democratic referendum by the people. I want to show the skulduggery that has taken place to achieve this situation in this country and in Europe.

The CIB might appear to take a one issue stance but they must realise, without falling into the political trap of siding with anything that remotely smacks of Nationalism, that with self government all issues detrimental to this counties future will not be decided by 27 mostly poor countries in Europe.

With self government we call the tune, we decide who enters this country and who we can deport, and the CIB have no need to touch on rampant immigration that is slowly destroying the social cohesiveness in this country as once we have self government that enormous problem will self-heal once we remove ourselves from this dictatorship. The comments that follow have been mouthed by Marxist EU leaders in the past; they show the Marxist/Socialist true aims concerning the reformation of Europe by stealth that have been taking place since the war.

I particularly like this one mouthed by a Ruiz Jarabo Colomer, Advocate of the EU Court of Justice (who you might ask?) giving his opinion on the 19th October 2000. Quote;

“Criticism of the EU is akin to blasphemy and can be restricted without affecting freedom of speech”  

Note he was not talking about religious blasphemy referring to the non-belief in God or Allah but the blasphemy of criticising the EU. 

Marxism is to atheism as Nationalism is to loyalty to ones country. Marxists do not recognise any religions or religious beliefs, so blasphemy to a Marxist does not relate to any deity. If religion and Marxism are to be spoken in one breath it is the destruction of nation states that is the Holy Grail of Marxism. You may remember Salmon Rushdie was accused of blasphemy for the true criticism of Islam, not of Allah.

Read this gem by Peter Thornycroft later chancellor of the exchequer of the CONservative party Quote

“No government dependent on a democratic vote could possibly agree in advance to the sacrifice that any adequate plan must evolve. The British people must be led slowly and unconsciously into the abandonment of their traditional economic defences 

This is just one British political leader giving judgment on the UK’s future.

This revelation came as a surprise from Dr Richard Aldridge BBC radio 4 Feb 2000 ‘Document.; a letter to the times, 

 I was absolutely astonished to discover that the library of Georgetown University, Washington had the entire archive of a CIA front organization which documents from start to finish funnelling millions of dollars into Europe and Britain… The whole accounting structure of the European Movement was designed to hide the fact that CIA money was coming in’

I will finish with this admission of a subterfuge in an article in La Stampa in Feb 2000 in an interview with Barbara Speninelli headed,

Amato said  

Europe does not need a Sovereign’ however daring a political project might be it must be hidden, camouflaged. One must act ‘as if’ in Europe, ‘as if’ nations wanted a very few things in order to obtain a great deal. ‘As if’ nations were to remain sovereign in order to convince them to surrender their sovereignty. The Commission in Brussels, for example must act ‘as if’ it were a technical organ in order to operate like a government, that sovereignty lost on a national level does not pass to any new individual. It is entrusted to a faceless entity….eventually the EU.

 The EU is the vanguard of this changing world …The new entity is faceless and those in command can neither be identified nor elected. All we need are a few corrections here and there along with a great deal of cunning” 

This is the nation wrecking treachery that the British national Party and Nationalists throughout Europe must face.

Hungary’s Present is Your Future.

Hungary’s Present is Your Future.

If you really want to understand the Liverpool Police’s action or rather inaction against street thugs disrupting a lawful gathering of people collecting signatures to bring their soldiers home, you need to understand the British Police Forces behaviour in the cold hard light of day. You must appreciate that some of the constables when attending their daily morning briefings understand that many of their orders are undemocratic and downright illegal and discriminatory. They do not have a choice but to obey. If their concerns were raised with their superiors they stand a good chance of lack of promotion or even transfer to another section, like finding lost children or rescuing pussies up trees.

They understand too well what being unemployed would be like and having to front swarthy civil servants to apply for jobs in their own country. They are paid well, their retirement scheme is generous, and so why on earth would a constable or even a lady policeman on the beat sacrifice all this when one only need look the other way. Their morning briefings will mirror the political wishes of the government, which in our case resides in Brussels. If a crime is committed Brussels has ordered all member countries that the ethnicity of the offender not be disclosed in the media. If there are an unexplained series of rapes or gang attacks, or the sexual grooming of underage girls the full truth will be withheld from the people for obvious reasons.

In all emerging or fully authoritarian societies the leaders know that when resentment starts to breed among the peasants when basic freedoms like the right to free speech are repressed or curtailed it is essential that the loyalty of the Police and the Army is paramount. Police loyalty is easily bought with knighthoods promised to Chief Constables who will also be assured of a rich retirement package and a generous superannuation.

This scenario is being played out in a number of Third world countries such as Burma, Zimbabwe, Iran, North Korea, South Africa and even emerging powers like China. The people of Europe and the UK are sleepwalking into a future that many years in the past would have been unimaginable. All these countries mentioned above have paramilitary groups who are funded by their governments. Indonesia even had it own brutal private Militia RITAH, who in cold blood executed with the help of the Indonesian military 5 Australian journalists in a place named Balibo in what was Portuguese Timor, now East Timor and many unarmed civilians who went to seek shelter in a cemetery were slaughtered by the army and its paramilitary thugs and murderers, armed and government sponsored UAF look-alike.

All European Union member countries including the UK have alliances of Fascist. In the UK it is the branch of the British Communist Party, the UAF, who are nothing more than an uneducated storm-troopers funded by the government who like the paramilitaries in third world countries provide the muscle that the police dare not use.

So back to the British Police force. The British Government have the total unequivocal loyalty of the police hierarchy who will give orders to put down any unrest on the streets with vicious determination. The Military generals who are members of the class elite but wear military uniforms also offer complete loyalty; I know I also served. The soldiers are like worker bees or unskilled workers in a factory they do as they are told. I spent a total of 5 weeks on open arrest in Germany and a week inside a military jail before heading for Korea. The soldiers just take orders and die for their country. It was then I was made painfully aware of the deceit of our past and present governments but I did not look for inspiration at Che Guevara or Stalin unlike the UAF I knew our enemy was within

No threats need be made against the state controlled media as they have Rupert’s undivided loyalty.

The final nail in our coffin was hammered in by an overweight, aging, grey haired, alleged paedophile Prime Minister who promised that on joining a European Economic Community it would in no way be a threat to our national sovereignty. That sovereignty was handed over to Brussels the day our Queen countersigned the Lisbon Treaty which she must have known was in effect the same document put before the French and Dutch people in a referendum, a referendum required as it took precedence over their own constitution. The document that was placed before the European people was stripped of its disguise of a treaty and was shown for what is was, the European Union’s Draft Constitution a referendum the French and Dutch people totally rejected.

To understand what has happened to our once trusted police force is that we are now in essence governed by Brussels. I suggest you pay particular attention meted to the people of Hungary as this might be your future, bearing in mind their policing polices like ours arrive as directives from Brussels. This country is sick, terminally SICK.

A Breath of Fresh Air

A Breath of Fresh Air

What a great thing to be able to express a point of view, any point of view in contemporary Britain without Big Brother and its attendant vigilante thought police threatening reprisal. I almost wrote ‘Great’ Britain except it has ceased to be great for many people. .

One of the huge attractions of many blogger sites that abound the Internet but particularly Patriotic and Nationalist sites here in Europe and the USA is the ability to make utterances that normally would place you under arrest. I have heard it said someone in a pub made a remark that someone further down the bar found offensive, the police were called and the person was charged with one of the many exotic, rich variety of political racial crimes and crimes against government forced diversity.

Here we can comment how we like, within the limits set by the moderator. I have seen comments pass the moderator that if said within earshot of a dusky colonizer would place a Prol on a very serious charge and they would feel the full force of its rigid Orwellian laws. I liken this ability to get past the stifling totalitarian socialist oppressor with the advent of clandestine radio during WW2. Years into the future history will show just how close Europe came to being a dictatorship.

It is the sheer joy of absolute freedom to say what you like without the Ministry of Truth’s political storm-troopers deciding what you can or cannot say. It’s a heady, beautiful sense of exultation that rivals the aroma of spring flowers.

There is little on Gods earth that rivals physical crimes against the person than removing that person’s basic right of freedom of speech and expression just to satisfy an authoritarian Socialists government’s political ideology.

It must gall the New World shapers to be unable to control the Internet; in the early days they did not factor in such a wonderful invention as the Internet. The Marxist/Socialist architects via their governments and media establishments have used lies and threats and though relentless propaganda that has shaped the minds of our people and terrified a nation. Nationalists retaliated using the Internet. We know in the main our comments will be published unlike the government controlled newspapers where comments will only be published if it agrees with the strict guidelines of the New Order.

The English schoolchild was told to sit a table with other children to work on a class project, after a while she asked the teacher if she could be moved as she could not understand the language of the newly arrived eastern immigrant children. The Marxist programmed teacher screamed and ranted at her she was a racist, the police were called and the school child was taken to the police station. Science fiction? No, Airship One, or Great Britain 2010.

These comments I write of on these Internet sites would only be normally exchanged in hushed tones with like minded persons or between family members. The Ideological Police in their canary yellow costumes cradling their sub-machine guns roam the streets looking for the transgressors. They are everywhere with orders to come with all haste if the government’s political ideology is breached or is suspected of being breached. Its priority is paramount and takes precedent over any reports of the grooming of under-age English schoolgirls for sex to satisfy the carnal desires of primitive Asian immigrants, a phenomenon which we are also witnessing in Oslo with thousands of rapes being perpetrated by Immigrants, but for the Marxist overlords that is acceptable, it is collateral damage which cannot be avoided to achieve the final outcome.

I would say with certainty many people who contribute to this great site I am sure who would have made a comment or written an article outside of the internet would now be in prison, home detention or had trackers placed on them and made to report to the police twice a day and most importantly attend racial and cultural diversity lectures.

Crossed wires at Sunhill Police Station;

Lady Policeman “Sir, Sergeant Cryer said put pink shoes on the bitch if she’s going to search the Mosque”

Sergeant Cryer “Sir, I was respecting their culture, I was suggesting putting shoes on the police dog not on Monica”

This is the BBC News

This is the BBC News

It is hard to pinpoint an exact moment in time when the BBC ceased to be the world flagship for the dissemination of true, balanced and unbiased news reporting on local and world events as the subtle changes in its presentation of programmes did not occur overnight but slowly over maybe a number of decades but it might have coincided with the government using its National broadcaster as a conduit for a post war ideology, that being Multi-Culturism using much of its programming as the conduit using subliminal indoctrination throughout its programming of ‘soaps’ to Children’s broadcasting, particularly News, Talks and Current Affairs using non indigenous presenters in abundance, out of proportion to the English population. It became a tool to perpetuate an ideology. It was the magicians three ball and cup trick.

One might ask the question why did this event not just take place in the UK but has been blindingly apparent throughout the whole of Europe. One has to assume that this order for political and social change came from a Central Committee, and so it did, Brussels the seat of the emerging federation of European nation states, has caused the most momentous change in the demography of the land mass of Europe triggering the social unease throughout most of Europe. In truth it was neither a Federation nor a Union but the formation of an oligarchic illegal government by stealth.

In 1939 when war was declared the BBC closed all regional radio stations and replaced them with one channel, The Home Service. The reason for this was to prevent the Germans from using local radio stations for direction finding.

Most of the transmissions were endless record programmes. Indeed it was so boring that early wartime programming was criticised as being old fashioned, staid and boring; with a seemingly endless cycle of gramophone records, variety on gramophone records, Sandy Macpherson on the BBC organ, and first aid instructions. Indeed it was so dull that it was blamed by the Government for driving audiences to Lord Haw-aw on Radio Hamburg! The wartime BBC was given a completely new task of moral boosting.

To combat this criticism the Home Service was supplemented by a special programmes ‘For the Forces’ on existing Medium wavelengths in a more informal programmes the weekly fare being Workers playtime. Round the Horne, ITMA, Desert Island Discs, Hi Gang, Radio Doctor, Vera Lynn’s Sincerely Yours, and Band Wagon and in the 50’s and 60’s, Paul Temple, Dick Barton Special Agent, Mrs Dales Diary, The Archers, Adventures of PC 49 and Journey into space

Blackamoors were starkly noticeable by their absence as the race to build a single European nation had yet to have taken any effect. The presenters had no regional accents but spoke with what was referred to as an Oxbridge or boarding school accent. Apart from the daily programming for the workers the impression was given that the BBC was still an elitist organization and apart from the daily fare for the masses, much of the programming was for the well educated. During the war its propaganda department was the Ministry Of Information. Its presentation changed rapidly after the emergence of a number of Pirate Radio stations which saw the wholesale disaffection of their younger listeners. They attempted to close these stations down by threat of legal action, bullying and outright intimidation.

This was the defining moment when this monopolistic entity saw its stranglehold on Broadcasting about to be taken away. No-one saw it coming. It had always been the arm of government as is the purpose of all National radio and TV stations worldwide. At that time Great Britain as a nation could have been viewed as fiercely Nationalistic and its Empire was its crown and sceptre. Britons were totally ignorant that its eventual incorporation into European federation by the Neo Marxists was the prize. And the BBC was just another tool to achieve this.

Sixty years on and its programme output is unrecognizable to those born before the war. Gratuitous sex and violence for adults and children, token dusky presenters from all parts of the third world employed wholly and solely to visually celebrate this nation destroying Marxist ideology.

What happened? Frankly it was because blatant political appointments were being made within critical BBC senior management positions rather than employing people with experience of theatre and stage, political appointees chosen to slavishly follow the government all encompassing blind obsession with the ‘Cultural Mix’ boasting equality for all but in reality equality for none. By now the Jewish entertainment entrepreneurs like Bernard Delfont, Lew and Leslie Grade disappeared from the scene.

Much of the BBC’s output today appears to cater to the lowest common denominator and most importantly is even more mindful of the ‘Racial Mix’, its purpose is to continually remind you as a Briton you cannot lay claim to this country anymore its open to all and is why we have a preponderance of Negro or mixed race presenters, reporters and actors even if the dusky actors presence has no relevance to the story whatsoever. Typical was Brian True May’s run in with the BBC’s political watchdogs placed in various departments similar to the Soviets within Sports, universities, Broadcasting etc. Not an isolated incident but did benefit from the glare of publicity.

Times have changed we have broadcasters that are predominantly based around an easily defined racial community such as Asian Star FM in Slough celebrating our Multi-Culti hell-hole while the riot ridden streets burn as if to celebrate our close connection with the Third World Sub Saharans and second generation young resentful Caribbean’s mixed with ‘Half Castes’ or Cross breeds and Wiggers, not quite untouchables but youths with no identity no hope and in many cases no father; they are the Multi Cultural collateral damage that has been done to this country for the sake of a Marxist political ideology and the whole of Europe is paying the same price while a silk suited grinning Barrossa pontificates in the Presidium with edicts that will affect all our futures.

Subterfuge by disempowerment of self rule by the nation states of Europe and Great Britain’s by Socialist leaders signing illegal ‘Treaties’ one after another, in our case adding more misery to woe being co-signed by our ‘Ruling Monarch’. Each “Treaty” removing all vestiges of Nationality that make a county a nation state, currency, constitutions, borders, etc. The Marxist plan for a Grand Design for Europe will be styled on the old Soviet regime and in time will be known as the European Union of Socialist States and Regions or EUSSR.

Why ‘ello, ‘ello who is this new member about to decide on England’s future? Why dear me if it’s not Croatia or is it Georgia? Will you be sitting next to Malta, Lithuania, Slovakia, Estonia, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland or Romania? How many of your people would like to reside in the UK? We have a wonderful system of monetary benefits, health care, housing, employment and a fine infrastructure that discriminates positively in favour of new arrivals like yourselves and will hopefully guarantee you permanent residence in our little overcrowded island. What we cannot guarantee though is a fair day’s pay for a fair days work but on the upside we do discriminate in favour of new arrivals like yourself by displacing an English worker to accommodate you. Your little country is going broke? Worry not; our tax payers can bail you out for the sake of the continuing cohesiveness of the European Socialist State.

I have tried to make sense of this nonsense and have had to search my nightmares for inspiration. Proof of breaching its charter to entertain inform with a balanced, unbiased journalism can be seen daily in the farcical storyline situations in its programming using non English actors, again out of all proportion to the population numbers, you will note I do not use the word ‘British’ although that collective name could be used to describe the black population residing in Great Britain, as that word cannot be used to describe an ethnic grouping, it has no meaning. Some might even say the BBC’s subterfuge is on par with the now defunct News of the World

I am convinced the BBC is an enemy of Great Britain and laws made in Brussels also prevent all the other Radio stations from speaking the truth of the damage being done to our people, our country and thus our children’s future. For example here is a letter by a reader to the BBC

A ‘British’ reader named Reza V believes the BBC has breached its charter by broadcasting such biased propaganda, and wrote this letter to the organization to complain:
I was shocked by the dishonesty, one-sidedness and far-left political bias of your programme: Geert Wilders: Europe’s Most Dangerous Man? BBC Two, 7:00PM Mon, 14 Feb 2011

The bile dripping BBC Banshees declared Geert Wilders, through unqualified third-party accusations, conspiracy theory and without any evidence whatsoever insinuated at various points throughout the programme that Mr Wilders was:......

A Fascist, a Nazi, a Zionist extremist, an Israeli spy, a conspiracy theorist, a convicted criminal, guilty of a hate speech, mentally unbalanced, a control freak, dubiously dishonest with something to hide, Europe’s most dangerous man and Far Right,

Your program made regular use of sinister background music to drive home your intended message.

I would like to add this case was an exception, but it is not. Nick Griffins ruthless inquisition on BBC Question Time was a “Witch hunt” pure and simple. The cry from the ‘correct cultural mix’ rabble was baying for blood!

It is a Question of Numbers

It is a Question of Numbers

Droitwich’s population figures (where the hell is Droitwich?) in the 2001 census was 22,585 in 2012 we can conservatively and confidently round that figure up to 30,000 souls. Using the government yearly intake figures of 400.000 legal Sub-Saharan and Caribbean immigrants the numbers are not difficult to crunch. 400,000 divided by 30,000 that is 13.333333333….recurring Droitwich’s every year. Surely one Droitwich is enough, but not another 13.333 recurring is just too hard to comprehend.

What about Dorking? Indeed you may well ask “what about Dorking”. Dorking’s population at the 2001 census was 16,071, again lets conservatively round that up to 20,000, using the same intake numbers which I have no doubt, regardless what corrupt political party is in power, that figure will increase dramatically particularly if an Immigration Shop and passport exchange is opened in Khartoum or Kinshasa or if Turkey joins the EU, which means it will make a total mess of my calculations.

Nevertheless at today’s figures it means we receive a yearly intake of 20 Dorkings a year. It does not bear thinking about. Imagine if you will by the turn of the century the whole country covered in Dorkings. It is the stuff nightmares are made of! And if that were not enough to give you screaming nightmares all the Dorkings’ might be warring black Townships with tribal militiamen.

I do not want to dwell on this future scenario for the UK as it depresses me, but alternatively look on the bright side it could be a lot worse. Take Kabul if you will, with a population which changes dramatically from day to day even by the hour, its 2011 population estimate stands around 3.9 Million nervous residents. Now the three party coalition in Westminster have reached a bipartisan agreement that a cap on the UK population should be around 70,000,000 that is, wait for it…. only 17.9 Kabuls covering the length and breadth of the British Isles, something really to look forward to.

No same sex plots on TV, no gay parades by the Homosexual Police Association, every borough, town, city complete with a Moslem Mayor or Mayoress, no Jamaicans jumping into bed with young English ladies on TV Soapies.

In fact not much happening at all except Saturday mornings when crowds gather to watch transgressors being stoned hung or decapitated. Any young English lady silly enough to get raped by a dark skinned gentleman can find herself in the queue for a jolly good flogging for her carelessness.

Compas, Centre on Migration Policy and Society, I guess another useless expensive Quango boasts Newham is proud of having the largest proportion of non-white population in the country, close to 70% of its population is from a non-white ethnic group. Detroit, eat your heart out.

There are over 30 ethnic communities in the borough where more than 300 languages are spoken. God, that is indeed diversity, unfortunately of the third world, not the first. The flowery language of the planners state ‘’alongside its breathtaking plurality of ethnicities and language however Newham is known for its poverty, it is the eleventh most deprived local authority in England and Wales and the fourth most deprived in London’’ so what they are saying in so many words is Newham has gone from an English first world London Borough to a third world s**t-hole, ok I will drink to that.

This is interesting; it was partly the prospect of bringing regeneration to Newham’s diverse but ‘blighted population’, accent on the blighted that secured London its bid for the 2012 Olympics.

So what impression of England will welcome the overseas visitor or expat arriving for the Olympic Games? On landing at Heathrow the visitor can be forgiven thinking that she/he had indeed landed in Islamabad as did a Papal Legate who publicly said so. But the big surprise will be arriving in Newham.

Where are the Cockneys, where are the Pearly Kings, where have all the English people gone?

My guess is they left because they did not want to live among Pakistanis originating from Mirpir district in Kashmir, Jhelum, Rawalpindi, and Gujrat in the Punjab, they did not want to live with Bangladeshis from the Slyhet district and Dhaki, Chittagong Khulna, nor among approx. 7000 Indian Muslims Gujaratis, or from the East Punjab, Urdu speakers from North India and South India or even among 6000 African Muslims mostly Somali’s, Nigerians and Tazanians.

To be brutally honest nor would I, but it is MY country not a region of the Indian subcontinent and I knew not a soul who agreed to our leaders carving it up and giving it to third world tribes.