Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Tension in my Lady's Chambers.

Tension In my lady's chambers.

Your mail Ma'am.

Oh for Christ sake not another bloody youth centre to open. That’s three this month, Beecham what the friggin hell’s going on here?

Can’t you get Charles to open it Ma'am ?

Christ no he’s bloody useless, he has formed a close attachment with the oak tree in the village; we don’t see much of him these days, come to think of it nor does his wife, whatsername.

Can we get Charles’s wife..., thingy to open it?

No she would frighten the kids and the horses. Look I’ve had it up the here, they can stick it up their Jacky. Christ Beecham, 161 Mosques in Birmingham and about 245 table tennis clubs in Tower Hamlets we are losing all sense of proportion here.

 I don’t know what to suggest ma'am. What about telling them you are having your appendix out.

FFS man you are my advisor how stupid is that, everyone knows I’ve already had my appendix out.

Well Ma'am for a little levity just tell them they are going to put them back in again.

Frankly Ì don’t find that remotely effing funny Beecham I have got no time to frig around with this, I‘ve got a Trooping of the Guard this weekend, attend a consecration of a cathedral somewhere and two EU treaties to sign, I have no time to have to worry about opening yet another bloody table tennis club in Peckham. Frankly my family disappoint me as well. Christ look what I got for my 90th birthday an embroidered tea towel with my name on it and  a set of Windsor Castle place mats from Philip and a pair of joggers from Charles FFS.

True Ma'am but it is got to be an improvement on last year when Philip bought you a tool for punching holes in leather belts…………….. Hang on, the Duke of Cambridge is free Ma'am….I think.

FREE! FREE!? He’s not effing free; he’s bloody married for F.ucks sake.

 There are not are lot of other royals of substance left.Ma'am 

Oh Shit!......... What’s the name of this woman he’s married to?

The Duchess of Cambridge,

That’s not a friggin name that’s an effing title, what’s her name for crying out loud?


Kate what?


Never heard of her, Does she know much about table tennis?

She does plays tennis ma'am.

Close enough.

Shall I contact the stables that you might require a horse milady?

I am not riding to Peckham on a friggin 'orse you bloody fool, order a State Carriage with all the flunkeys, the whole box and dice, flags and everything.

(Is nothing sacred?)

Saturday, 10 December 2016

The Question is, are we for Real?

The Question is, are we for Real?

From the moment you stick your nose out of your mother's womb THAT is reality, BUT IS IT?

The premise is that in our case our apparent reality could be caused by interference by a ‘Matrix’ that gives us APPARENT solidity and SUPPOSED purpose and it is the controllers of a ‘Matrix’ for the want of a better description that projects a Hologram and who determine the narrative. Are we in reality pure invisible energy or a singular consciousness, a single awareness that exists throughout the Cosmos unlike man-made electromagnetic energy like Radio and TV signals? Perhaps we are of this universal singular consciousness but trapped in some-ones else’s game?

The bible talks at length of spirits and souls, never of a singular consciousness or cosmic awareness. No-one is sure what our purpose is assuming we have a purpose at all. Sceptics will say we serve no purpose other than to be born, live and die; that is an even bigger ask. There has to be more, so they will never question who controls the Matrix if there is such a thing, Non-sceptics might ask is it a civilization that is so far advanced than ours that projects on its inhabitants a bogus reality, but more importantly is it possible to escape this Matrix?

There are Professors, Astrophysicists and Academics that theorise that what we experience as reality is not so. Could it be possible, as they suspect we are participants in a hologram; players in a game, not unlike the Computer Game Second Life except we do not get to choose our role, it has been chosen for us. If this ‘game’ has been played out since time began for humans we will accept this as reality without question.

It is difficult or impossible to comprehend this line of reasoning that I propose that what we are experiencing is NOT true reality.

Of course this is all speculative and can be easily dismissed but impossible to prove, as are many of our traditional beliefs. One could ask the question why the huge contradictions between intelligence of man the architect and engineer and the stupidity and the huge contradictions of his systems of beliefs, they are myths and traditional stories, especially ones concerning the early history of a people and social phenomenon’s typically involving paranormal and/or supernatural beings or events or a widely held but false beliefs. We send probes to Pluto and hope to send people on a one way trip the Mars. We have come a long way, we have ceased worshiping Idols but still worship; well take your pick.

If there were to be a way out of this Hologram we might call it death, although we cease to be a player in the game we are still of interstellar origin, we would have been released but we are still pure energy and we return from whence we came as a Singular Cosmic consciousness. I also ask the question do our inter-stellar visitors who flit between universes even dimensions instantly hope to be received in a heaven on death ….that is if they are true believers.

Things have changed. I was taught that an Atom was the smallest particle of matter that can exist, but Sub Atomic particles and the concept of string theory have been discovered that surpass this smallest particle of matter that can exist. Here we step into the realm of Quantum Physics and here it starts to get difficult. So what else have we to learn?

Mr Einstein as clever as he was explained in his formula that E = MC 2. It is mass that dictates the speed of light. It does hold true in this part of the universe. In another universe where does it leave his speed of light if mass is not factored in as it may not even exist?

Briefly I would like to put our position in our Galaxy into perspective. Proxima Centauri is 4.24 light years away from Earth. The furthest humans have ever travelled is a loop around the moon: a tiny .00000007 light years away. Voyager 1 our furthest and currently fastest travelling space craft—would still take about 75,000 years to reach this system, our closest neighbour (and it's not pointed in the right direction). I suppose we refer to slingshots here to speed up our trip.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

The Nigerian Sex Scam


The Nigerian Sex Scam

Replying to the mail was his first mistake. A mistake that would cost Lucius more than the amount he gave to Mr Bandabaloobi.

"Mr Bandabaloobi said he was from the Nigerian Bank" said Lucius "We first met when he wrote me an email explaining he needed me to transfer 3 million dollars out of the country because a rich old guy had died and the government was going to keep the money unless I could help and for this I would receive a percentage."

"I gave them my account details and bought a plane ticket to Nigeria to meet Mr Bandabaloobi and sign the transfer papers."

"Once I arrived I was beaten and taken to a small hotel room on the outskirts of town. I was stripped and kissed by dark and very hairy men. One of the men, named Carl, was very gentle and told me he loved me but the others were rough. So very rough, I struggled and told them I was a friend of Mr Bandabaloobi but they tied me up and took turns kissing my beautiful body, touching me and making me do things I had sometimes thought about and imagined, but had never expected to really happen because I am straight."

"The fact that one of the men looked like a black version of my dad kind of freaked me out and Carl turned out to be huge but like I said, he was very gentle and we just took things really slow. He's cool, we have swapped emails since. Nothing gay though, cause he knows I am straight."

"Having survived the ordeal and returned home, my only regret is that I missed my meeting with Mr Bandabaloobi and didn't get to see any African animals like giraffes and lions and those little things that peek up really quick and look around and then pop back down really quick. They are really cool. They are like those little dogs that live on the prairie. Can’t remember what those ones are called.

I do not want to go overboard being over-patronising and that, but David’s Internet site is the very best Internet site in the whole world. I agreed to give him credit for this wonderful article of his and asked him if I could include a recent family photo, the only family photo he said he possesses is one of his Uncle Bill.

David’s other name by the way is Thorne…That’s David Thorne.

www.27bslash6.com (PS.what size font did you say David?)

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The Wedding Party Principle

The Wedding Party Principle.

There have been times in the past when my wife who had been endeavouring to sleep ignores my attempts to discuss the basic flaws I have discovered in Einstein’s theory of Relativity. I explain to her it is not that I disagree with his theory per se and yes I am in agreement with him that it does hold true on this nondescript planet in an outer whorl of a Galaxy in a backwater of one of an unknown number of universes but it does not necessarily hold true everywhere else. I do not get a lot of feedback from my wife in fact I would even go as far as to say I have been met with downright hostility.

Talking about theories not many people have heard of the “Wedding Party Principal” either or the Georgia Guide-stones which I will come to shortly which will then take me seamlessly on to tins of Spaghetti and Baked beans.

My wife is a cavalier of chance. When she explains to me how she is going to spend her Lotto winnings, I explain to her the “Wedding Party Principle”

It goes like this. My wife is getting married and has invited 8,000,000 or so of her relatives, workmates and Facebook friends to the wedding, oh and her sister Bernice. 

 During the festivities Bernice  who is still single at aged 69 is in the middle of these guests when tradition demands the bride tosses the bridal bouquet over her head into the crowd. Bernice is hoping to catch the bouquet as it could be her last chance of happiness, matrimony and motherhood.

Bernice stretches valiantly for the posy as it flies tantalisingly close but not close enough as the bouquet disappears toward other 4,000,000 million or so guests at the back of the hall all jostling to catch this floral tribute.

It is not by coincidence the odds of my wife’s sister Bernice  catching the bridal spray are exactly the same odds my wife has of winning the Lotto.

Now this was the principle I was discussing with my wife while we were wandering aimlessly around the supermarket being subjected to an infernal racket masquerading as music. We paused at the Pasta section where I offered to lift my wife up whom being small in stature was unable to reach the top shelf to retrieve two tins of discounted baked beans and spaghetti, discounted due to their being past their use-by date. I could not help noticing a young lady scavenging at my feet like a Beaver laying the foundations of her dam, or was it a Badger building her Sett?

Doesn’t matter. She had a stroller filled with a young child with tattoos covering her arms; No, no the tattoos covered lady’s arms not the child’s, the price of the tattoos would have fed a Third World child for a number of years, maybe more.

As I was In charge of the shopping trolley I had time to ruminate over this. As we moved on and headed for the brown sugar section I put it to my wife in this world of Apps if say a lady of the night were to have a bar code tattooed on her arm and one was to download a special Apps on their mobile phone then all a prospective client need do is to swipe the ladies arm with a mobile phone to get a price on her favours, he has no need even speak to her. My wife’s eyes briefly closed, she sniffed as she inquired “what’s yer point?”

“Well think about it for heaven’s sake” I replied “it’s a win, win thing; it saves time in patronising, pointless dialogue which in turn would cut into a client’s valuable time to indulge in a productive endless variety of recreational sexual activities, do you follow me? “

I paused and looked at my wife, I have to admit I was certainly not expecting a massive reaction like a English Premier League footballer might expect on scoring a goal, pleading for God-like exaltation from the adoring crowd by taking off his shirt sliding on his knees, arms outstretched like the statue of Jesus atop the mountain of Corcovado pleading for deity-like adoration from a hysterical manic crowd, resplendent in their woolly hats and scarves emblazoned in their teams colours, waving little buntings, writhing and rolling like disturbed breaking waves on a deserted beach. ……..iss good innit.

Instead my wife’s eyes glazed over and she looked at me vacantly, shook her head and walked on, confirmation which cements my belief that if two people are in love and have absolutely nothing in common they already possess the basic fundamental building blocks for a long and happy marriage.

At this point some of you might ask what’s has this got to do with world politics. Well frankly nothing but it would IF when putting the tins of spaghetti into the trolley my wife and I were to discuss Merkel’s handling of the German economy, Boko Harams disgusting forays in Northern Nigeria, Berlusconi’s latest girl friend or friends, the illuminati, Bilderbergers or the worlds looming food shortage it might have brought me to the subject of culling the world’s population. Stay with me on this one!

I asked my wife if she had heard of the Georgia Guide-stones, she said she hadn’t……. I sometimes wonder why I even bother.

Google tells me that the World Population in 1900 was 1,650,000,000. In the year 2000 it was 6,122,770,000 and by the year 2100 it will be 10,124 926,000. For Europe in 1900 its population was 408,000,000 in 2000 it was 726,777,000. By 2050 that figure is expected to reach 2.8 Billion a figure that might interest you if you are one of these people.

Anyway back to the Georgia Guide-stones. It is a granite monument much like an enormous monolith but much smaller. It appeared in 1979, strangely enough in a field in Georgia USA. No-one is sure who was responsible for this erection but a cryptic message might give one a clue, it reads Sponsors: A small group of Americans who seek the Age of Reason.

There are a set of TEN guidelines or principles engraved onto the stone. I was a little concerned if one of these sponsors might be a Mr Rothschild because he has publicly ‘reasoned’ in the past that 500,000,000 people is an ideal number to continue to sustain life on this planet and he usually gets what he wants, he has a lot of influence and clout.

The ten guidelines or principles are engraved in English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. A shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages’ scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The world’s population on Monday @ 2219 pm on the 30th June of this year puts the world’s population clock, with the last three figures changing like a crazy stopwatch every second as 7,475,926,690.

Thus according to the Guide-stones and a quick cross mental calculation puts the world population as being over-populated by 6,675,926,690. Now I suspect this mysterious heap of granite, this American Stonehenge heralds an omen, no a dire warning. I am keeping my fingers crossed I am not one of the millions of souls destined for the cull list because I am not all that old

James Albion., Author of many books, many that have not been published……..yet.
The London Times waxed lyrical pointing out ‘The Wedding Party Principle’ is an example of the finest writing yet to come from the pen of Mr. James Albion and described Albion's new novel as soul-searching and poignant; and a ‘statement of the times’.

In contrast the Guardian literary critic Baker Walker-Brown described Mr Albion's work as utter drivel; he added “quite frankly I cannot see a vast difference in the discourse from his first novel ‘The Awakening’

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Celebrity Candour

Celebrity Candour.

Another person’s point of view

As far as I know Jeremy Clarkson is apolitical; he is NOT a member of a political group which in today’s Stalinist Britain is a very wise move? A friend in Florida sent me this rant by Clarkson. If Clarkson was not a celebrity and did not keep his politics to himself then publicly airing views like this there is a real risk of him being accused of Racism/Fascism and/or being a Narnsey/Bigot.

What he is doing is describing the contemporary Britain which he sees though HIS eyes. One does not make comments like this in the UK without the risk of being crucified by the State Controlled TV and print Media or at worst a frantic visit by the State Controlled Political Police investigating any number of possible charges listed as a ‘Hate crimes’ What he sees is similar to the scene a little boy witnessed when he realised the Emperor was not wearing any clothes, it is called stark reality.

You may observe it but you must not comment on it or you might be accused of any number of isms and phobias complied from the Governments little red book of “Words to use to terrify the people”.

This situation here is very similar to threats of intimidation and of arrest placed on people in Burma, China, Iran, Tibet, and North Korea for airing their political views. Dare you publicly complain about the social destruction of Great Britain or that our freedom of speech has been deliberately stifled and you might find yourself in jail quick smart.

If we accept as read that the three political parties have IDENTICALLY the same political philosophy and/or ideology why do they not then form a Socialist Alliance or Bloc similar the old USSR and stop playing silly games? They then could remain in power forever. Why not do it properly and elect a General Secretary to preside over a Socialist Central Committee. They already have a far left socialist political regime already in place as well as a loyal State Political Police Force to put down any political or social dissent by the unruly, smelly peasants. They could ride the gravy train forever.

We might be being ruled by a brand new form of pseudo-democracy paying only lip service to true democracy, in a country where Electoral ballots are as free from fraud as any festering third world country. So the people ponder why vote at all, the result will be the same, and the result is the people will end up again with the best government that money can possibly buy.

The enclosed article by Jeremy Clarkson was in the Sunday Times but was 'pulled' - probably by the subject of the article, Peter Mandelson, so much for free speech. But poor old Mandy fails to appreciate how the blogsphere works and in no time the article finds itself going viral round the world. Enjoy it and feel free to pass it on if you enjoyed it.

***Clarkson’s observations follow***
Jeremy Clarkson
Sunday Times 8/11/09

I’ve given the matter a great deal of thought all week, and I’m afraid I’ve decided that it’s no good putting Peter Mandelson in a prison. I’m afraid he will have to be tied to the front of a van and driven round the country until he isn’t alive any more. He announced last week that middle-class children will simply not be allowed into the country’s top universities even if they have 4,000 A-levels, because all the places will be taken by Albanians and guillemots and whatever other stupid bandwagon the conniving idiot has leap.

I hate Peter Mandelson. I hate his fondness for extremely pale blue jeans and I hate that preposterous moustache he used to sport in the days when he didn’t bother trying to cover up his left-wing fanaticism. I hate the way he quite literally lords it over us even though he’s resigned in disgrace twice, and now holds an important decision-making job for which he was not elected. Mostly, though, I hate him because his one-man war on the bright and the witty and the successful means that half my friends now seem to be taking leave of their senses.

There’s talk of emigration in the air. It’s everywhere I go. Parties, work, in the supermarket. My daughter is working herself half to death to get good grades at GSCE and can’t see the point because she won’t be going to university, because she doesn’t have a beak or flippers or a qualification in washing windscreens at the lights. She wonders, often, why we don’t live in America.

Then you have the chaps and chapesses who can’t stand the constant raids on their wallets and their privacy. They can’t understand why they are taxed at 50% on their income and then taxed again for driving into the nation’s capital. They can’t understand what happened to the hunt for the weapons of mass destruction. They can’t understand anything. They see the Highway Wombles in those brand new 4x4s that they paid for, and they see the M4 bus lane and they see the speed cameras and the community support officers and they see the Albanians stealing their wheelbarrows and nothing can be done because it’s racist.

And they see Alistair Darling handing over another 30 Billion of their money to not sort out the banking crisis that he doesn’t understand because he’s a small-town solicitor, and they see the stupid war on drugs and the war on drink and the war on smoking and the war on hunting and the war on fun and the war on scientists and the obsession with the climate and the price of train fares soaring past £1,000 and the Guardian power-brokers getting uppity about one shot baboon and not uppity at all about all the dead soldiers in Afghanistan, and how they got rid of Blair only to find the lying twerp is now going to come back even more powerful than ever, and they think, “I’ve had enough of this. I’m off.”

It’s a lovely idea, to get out of this stupid, Fair-trade, Brown-stained, Mandelson-skewed, equal-opportunities, multicultural, carbon-neutral, trendily left, regionally assembled, big-government, trilingual, mosque-drenched, all-the-pigs-are-equal, property-is-theft hellhole and set up shop somewhere else, but where?

You can’t go to France because you need to complete 17 forms in triplicate every time you want to build a greenhouse, and you can’t go to Switzerland because you will be reported to your neighbours by the police and subsequently shot in the head if you don’t sweep your lawn properly, and you can’t go to Italy because you’ll soon tire of waking up in the morning to find a horse’s head in your bed because you forgot to give a man called Don a bundle of used notes for “organising” a plumber.

You can’t go to Australia because it’s full of things that will eat you, you can’t go to New Zealand because they don’t accept anyone who is more than 40 and you can’t go to Monte Carlo because they don’t accept anyone who has less than 40 million. And you can’t go to Spain because you’re not called Del and you weren’t involved in the Walthamstow blag. And you can’t go to Germany ... because you just can’t.

The Caribbean sounds tempting, but there is no work, which means that one day, whether you like it or not, you’ll end up like all the other expats, with a nose like a burst beetroot, wondering if it’s okay to have a small sharpener at 10 in the morning. And, as I keep explaining to my daughter, we can’t go to America because if you catch a cold over there, the health system is designed in such a way that you end up without a house, or dead.

Canada’s full of people pretending to be French, South Africa’s too risky, Russia’s worse and everywhere else is too full of snow, too full of flies or too full of people who want to cut your head off on the internet. So you can dream all you like about upping sticks and moving to a country that doesn’t help itself to half of everything you earn and then spend the money it gets on bus lanes and advertisements about the dangers of salt. But wherever you go you’ll wind up an alcoholic or dead or bored or in a cellar, in an orange jumpsuit, gently wetting yourself on the web. All of these things are worse than being persecuted for eating a sandwich at the wheel.

I see no reason to be miserable. Yes, Britain now is worse than it’s been for decades, but the lunatics who’ve made it so ghastly are on their way out. Soon, they will be back in Hackney with their South African nuclear-free peace polenta. And instead the show will be run by a bloke whose dad has a wallpaper shop and possibly, terrifyingly, a weasel looking twerp in Belgium whose fruitless game of hunt-the-WMD has netted him £15m on the lecture circuit.

So actually I do see a reason to be miserable. Which is why I think it’s a good idea to tie Peter Mandelson to a van. Such an act would be cruel and barbaric and inhuman. But it would at least cheer everyone up a bit. ********Ends.

Socialism, which is the ideology of the Labour Party, is but one step away from Communism and but two steps from Marxism. There are still some that witnessed the birth of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and there are many more that witnessed death of this Socialist monster. Their people too lost their freedom of speech and their press was state controlled.

Does this tale worry you? It should. It’s not just that we are sick to death of the slow, creeping, calculated destruction of OUR country. It is time for the frightened sheeple who only dare speak in hushed tones in the privacy of their homes to speak out as this brave Briton has done.

Since this article was published the enslaved British people have voted to leave the European occupied countries and have regained some semblance of freedom but still have a long way to go, but nevertheless the politicians still do not speak for the people only for their political party and for the security of their position.

Thursday, 8 September 2016




As a foreword I would like to point out the BBC was always regarded as a highly revered broadcaster and still is. Its problem was and still is as being a government funded entity and thus has to follow the government political stand which is no different from any other government broadcaster anywhere in the world be it from Europe, South America, Asia or even North Korea. It broadcasts high quality drama, Natural history, but its bias and unbalance in reporting political events is glaringly obvious. Some might say legendary.

 It appears to have two separate departments one which broadcasts high quality TV entertainment and the other that transmits programmes such as News, Talks, Current Affairs those being vehicles of the propaganda arm of the government. Its panel style political programmes hosted by left leaning aging grey haired presenters use what appears to be carefully chosen panels and stacked audiences, this is very apparent in the type of programmes when there is Left and Right leaning political groups putting their viewpoint across. Of course it has been accused of being ‘Common Purpose’ influenced. It is certainly socialist influenced as our Government is Statist

The BBC’s style of broadcasting changed almost immediately after WW2 when the powers decided to form a New Europe. To do this Nationalist feelings or feelings of ethnic National identity had to be vilified as Narnsey-like and racist or a New Europe was NEVER going to work. The move to form a European community was the first hurdle and first tentative step towards a single Europe and the National Broadcaster was employed as a vehicle for propaganda to influence the people to embrace a single European entity, a European Government and its message has continued until its rejection at the recent Brexit referendum.

ARTICLE STARTS Peter Farrell, one of our supporters has kindly passed on a transcript of a programme broadcast on Radio 4 on Thursday 3rd February 2000, entitled “A Letter to the Times”. It is a shocking exposé of the underhand tactics used by a number of leading Europhiles in the run-up to our joining the EEC in 1973.

In December 1970, six months after Edward Heath’s unexpected election victory, an opinion poll showed that only 18% of the UK electorate supported him in his long-term dream of taking our country into the EEC. A massive 70% were opposed. While the decision on accession was to be taken by Parliament, it was apparent to Heath that he would never gain a parliamentary majority in the face of overwhelming public opposition.

While some of the tactics he used are well-known, notably disguising the political project as an economic project and not mentioning loss of sovereignty, other underhand tricks employed at this time have only come out into the open more recently.

The programme revealed one particularly successful tactic: a barrage of letters to the Times during the autumn of 1970 all apparently written by MPs who supported accession. In reality, these MPs only signed them; they were all produced by an ardently pro-European PA to the MP Sir Tufton Beamish.

But how were the rest of the population, who didn’t read the Times, to be converted? Equally clandestine methods were used.

Those of us of a certain age will remember the name Jack de Manio, who presented the Today programme from 1958 until 1971 and who was twice voted British Radio Personality of the Year. He was also strongly Eurosceptic. Geoffrey Tucker, who was closely linked to Heath and who organised breakfasts for supporters of accession, lobbied for his removal. The following year, the programme was reorganised to feature two presenters. De Manio was not happy with the new arrangement and resigned.

A coincidence? Whatever, by 1971, the BBC had been effectively “nobbled.” The managing director of BBC Radio, Ian Trethowan, was another friend of Edward Heath and was very willing to accede to the wishes of Geoffrey Tucker’s breakfast group to deal with any broadcasters perceived to be opposed to accession. Far from being an organ of impartiality, the BBC became the main propaganda vehicle used to shift public opinion in these crucial years.

However, the most disturbing revelation in this programme was the funding of the European Movement by the American CIA. Dr Richard Aldrich, a political historian, came across the archived documents of a CIA front organisation which poured millions of dollars into the UK. In typical CIA style, the audit trail had made it difficult to trace the source of the European Movement’s funding, but it seems that even the office cleaners ultimately were being paid by US intelligence!

Heath himself was interviewed in the documentary and he is heard expressing his regret that the job was never fully done. He described the subsequent rise of euro-scepticism within the Conservative Party as “the most devastating blow of all.” However, in view of the deceit he encouraged, such a man deserves no sympathy whatsoever.

The only person to come out at all well from the programme is Roy Hattersley. Although a pro-European, he was horrified by the tactics being used during this period. He attended one of Tucker’s breakfasts and was so appalled by what he heard that he never went again. In his opinion, the use of spin all those years ago, has prejudiced the argument ever since.

Telling words indeed and vital lessons for supporters of withdrawal as the referendum looms. Already, one has a sense of déja vu as one businessman after another is given air time on the BBC saying how disastrous it would be to leave the EU. Our opponents are not going to play fair, but we cannot allow them to get away with it this time ENDS.

Let me remind you of the treachery of our politicians………and it continues today with the possibility of WW3 and collapse of our export market if Brexit was successful

“There is NO question of eroding any national sovereignty; there is NO blueprint for a federal Europe. There are some in this country who fear that in going into Europe, we shall in some way sacrifice independence and sovereignty. These fears I need hardly say are completely unjustified"

Edward Heath, British Prime Minister 1972

"The aim was, and is... ever closer political union.
Edward Heath 1989
1990, in response to the question "Did you have in mind a United States of Europe in 1972?"

‘Of course, yes”

I have no words to describe how I feel about a person who would cause so much harm to his own country. His only defence he is a politician

Saturday, 27 August 2016

America's Wall of Debt

The 26' Tall Wall of Debt

The picture above shows a 80 ft wall of coal, now imagine a 26 ft wall encircling the earth at the Equator consisting of America one Dollar bills......(NOTE SIZE OF CAR)

I have previously written a similar article on America’s debt explaining that in Dollar bills its weight is equal to that of 180 Nimitz Super Aircraft Carriers. I had removed 20 tons of Superstructure from each Nimitz for ease of calculation. You must also bear in mind America's debt is changing by the second .................upwards. I would like to give credit to Housetop Proclamations Blog for allowing me to use this article, a blog which I suggest you visit.


BEGINS …This article is for the "numbers people" out there. Our national debt would make a 26 foot tall wall, around the world at the equator, of dollar bills (laid end-to-end and stacked flat). As unbelievable as it sounds, I have decided to prove the numbers.

The equator is 24,902 miles long. With 5,280 feet in a mile, this equals 131,482,560' around the world.

A dollar bill is 6.1" long and .0043" thick. 1.97 dollar bills reach a foot in length. 233 stacked dollar bills are one inch thick.

1.97 (dollar bills) X 131,482,560' (around the world) = $259,020,643 for one lap.

$259,020,643 X 233 (number to equal 1" thick stack) = $60,351,809,120 for a 1" high wall.

$19,000,000,000,000 (U.S. debt on 2/01/16) ÷ $60,351,809,120 = 314.82".

314.82" ÷ 12" = 26.2' (rounded to 26').

Our current U.S. national debt is equal to a wall of stacked dollar bills that would stretch around the world, at the equator, twenty six feet tall!

If you are having trouble wrapping your head around the 26' tall wall, maybe this will help you grasp the enormity of the debt crisis:

1,000,000 (million) seconds = 11.57 days
1,000,000,000 (billion) seconds = 31.71 years
1,000,000,000,000 (trillion) seconds = 31,710 years.
Our debt is 19 trillion dollars.
19,000,000,000,000 seconds = 602,490 years.

Were our national debt paid off at $1 per second (without any more increases and no interest), it would take 602,490 years. But, instead of paying it off, we have added over $800,000,000,000 to the total since last fall (per the US Treasury web site)....ENDS

Now it begs the question how high does this wall of debt have to be before someone, somewhere says “ Hello we’ve got a problem here” Read my article “America’s debt revisited”.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Reaching For New Heights

"Reaching for new heights"

In the overall scheme of things like sending probes to Pluto and beyond I do not see it as a “Great Leap Forward” for Western Civilisation in this 21st century to announce an edict, a general principle of understanding not unlike the Magna Carta or the Bill of Rights that with the full backing of the law driven by popular demand by referendum a tacit agreement that it is now societally acceptable that  a gentleman can now legally introduce his private parts into another gentleman’s bottom even likening it to a consummation of Marriage between a Male and a Female. 

The practicalities of same sex Consummation? Well I won’t even dare go there.

Maybe I am being a little too judgemental. I would like to add I also have major difficulty grasping the fundamental understanding, fleeting or otherwise with the connection between homosexuality and being gay, surely one is a full-on human sexual perversion like a fetish for high heels or sexual games but wearing rubber, a cruel human weakness the other an inner warmth and a feeling of well-being.

We could take this one step further and debate Gay Pride. 

We are reluctant to discuss Homosexual pride which is Gay pride but by another name. The waving of the rainbow LGBT flag appears to generate intense Pride, but there appears to be no pride at all in being a Male or Female homosexual, why is that?

In the fable the little boy saw the king was wearing no clothes but everyone was too terrified to comment. I say what I observe whether politically correct or not, like we used to years ago when I was growing up. The subject of men and women of the same sex who shag each other indiscriminately AND it being universally acceptable is bizarre when it should be seen for what it is.

By all means if that what sexually satisfies a person like pleasuring oneself then go for it, it is your body you choose what you would like to do with it but Homosexuality should not be made societally acceptable by law, even animals as a species and of the same sex don’t generally fornicate with each other, neither should cannibalism or grave robbing be acceptable even if people did demand a referendum to legally indulge in same.

It has now become highly political because ALL things HAVE to be inclusive regardless how inexplicable or weird they might appear because it is a vote winner and satisfies the chattering classes whether it be Gender Dysphoria or Gender Identity Disorder which sparks the debate on whether you can choose which toilet you would prefer to use and puts cross-dressing in the easy reach of everyone. It is Liberalism for liberalisms sake and is lurching out of control.

We THINK we live in a highly civilised society but in the main we are one step away from being mental savages. That is precisely how Trans-dimensional travellers would see us, as primitive natives hell bent on slaughtering each other and many having the morals of Tom Cats but as long as it is ”inclusive” …hey hey that’s OK! 

We as a species are going no-where. Technology and the advancement of Moral awareness are moving away from each other exponentially. The conspiracy theorist or sceptic might ask are the changes being caused by an additive to our food or water, are we being sprayed with chemicals.

The BBC are past masters of experimenting with the weird. They appear to have a warehouse full of these strange people who are brought in to complete the picture of inclusiveness at all costs, be they dwarfs or people born with unfortunate physical deformities, people that should not be paraded on television purely because the BBC is not bound by the shackles of non-inclusivity so is free to celebrate the ‘richness’ and ‘vibrancy’ of the unusual for the sake of inclusiveness, it is quite jarring and obvious a bit like the bearded lady in a circus.

I hope a BBC news producer is not reading this or no doubt there WILL be a Bearded Lady reading the News at Ten or a bearded lady Coroner, bearded lady detective, Bearded Lady Chief Police constables, Lawyers, forensic pathologists, bearded Lady police commissioners and Judges in their TV programmes. 

Criticism, any criticism draws a lot of name calling but name calling is not new, the accused was once punishable by death whether they were Heretics or blasphemers.

Today bigots, racists, Islamophobics, Homophobes and Narnseys are in copious abundance and attract a lot of media attention. It is not a question if same sex marriages should be legal, that is obvious but where are we heading as a supposed intelligent Human species.

"The honourable member for Leicester told our reporter although he and his wife Nathan have consummated their wedding...er on a number of occasions, they  are unable to have children but were hopeful in the fullness of time of purchasing a small child from Guinea-Bissau once their application for an import licence had been approved.”

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Let the Games Begin

Let the Games begin 

Powerful people realize how important it is to keep this Authoritarian Collective moving forward, the West IS being reshaped. The EU in/out referendum will be a replay of the second Irish referendum (Lisbon Treaty) and as a commentator said short of Karzai-style stuffing of the ballot boxes the European and Irish political establishments could scarcely have done more to push this second Irish referendum in the way they want.

"To ensure a "YES" vote, all the normal rules governing balanced media coverage were suspended. The European Commission poured €1.5 million into an unprecedented advertising blitz. The voters of Ireland had the chance to say "NO" to the political class which now rules over them thanks to what has amounted to the most extraordinary slow-motion coup d'état in history"

The  survival of the EU is far more critical, anything and everything will be permitted to ensure there is no breakup of the European collective. As with the Irish referendum frightening the people with non-truths will be the order of the day. The EU Chief Jean-Claude Juncker is doing just that. He is terrified of the clear and present danger of the wall coming down and National borders going back up again and self-rule being returned to the people of the occupied territories and he and many of his work-mates having to work for a living.

TRUST ME ON THIS ONE, IT WILL BE A VERY DIRTY GAME The money from the EU coffers for contingency plans such as this and the corporations like Ryanair that ensured a YES vote at the second Irish referendum will pale into insignificance compared with the amount available reserved for the EU in/out referendum.

LET THE GAMES BEGIN. To affect a referendum result two things are needed Funds and ‘Frighteners’. It worked fine in Eire it can work again in Europe. Huge funding is obvious but let me explain the ‘frighteners’. The EU Chief Jean-Claude Juncker came up with a corker.

He warned Britain could spark World War three if it votes to leave the Union. Yes it gets as desperate and infantile as that and we will not understand it until we understand how important it is that this monstrosity stays together like a Blowfly with its larvae.

His comment of impending doom might sound bizarre but lies are lies, but what is most bizarre is their degree of the nonsensical. Woe betide any regions that threaten to leave the European Super State particularly the wealthy ones.

Even the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg has been dragged into “Team Project” fear by saying that: "Whoever does not believe in Europe, whoever doubts Europe, whoever despairs of Europe, should visit the war cemeteries in Europe.

Frankly I cannot see any connection of leaving the European Collective and European War Cemeteries but the Former Prime Minister of Luxembourg could, well his job is also on the line.

One can almost feel the panic setting in. Norway is not part of the EU but is part of the Schengen Agreement and it is crucial that borders remain under the control of Brussels. Norway co-operates with the EU on foreign and security policy issues, .which is a misnomer if there ever was one. Not having control of ones borders one loses the ability to secure those borders as the people of Sweden are finding to their nightmarish horror.

the Schengen Agreement was critical for a single Europe it allowed the free movement of persons and was the core part of the original Treaty of Rome from the early days of the European Economic Community, nationals of EEC member states could travel freely from one member state to another on production of their passports or national identity cards which explains why The UK has the highest number of immigrants from Poland and which ranks second behind India for non- Britons living in the UK.

If 250,000 displaced Syrians and 100,000 Africans who have made it to Europe and have gained residency “have the right to demand entry as nationals of EEC member states to travel freely from one member state to another on production of their passports or national identity cards” Norway who are not a EU member can also be their final destination as they also ceded their borders to Brussels via the Schengen Agreement.


Monday, 15 February 2016

Skulduggery in Westminster

How MI6 pushed Britain to join Europe

Paul Lashmar and James Oliver, Sunday Telegraph, 27 April 1997,

A brief foreword to those who say they were never offered a referendum to join a European Union although many people did vote YES to join the European Economic Community (EEC) voting for closer trade ties with Europe. So who signed Great Britain into this European Union? This article was written in 1997. The skulduggery is breathtaking and is still taking place today

A secretly-funded Foreign Office unit used public money to mount a covert propaganda operation aimed at ensuring Britain joined the European Community. Paul Lashmar and James Oliver investigate.

IN LATE 1972, Alistair McAlpine, later Lord McAlpine, was recruited as treasurer for a pro-European lobby organisation called the European League for Economic Co-operation. It was only much later that he discovered the reason for his appointment. A "branch of the security services, called, I believe, something like the IDA", had been financing breakfasts and lunches for this and other bodies, he later wrote..........

Now, the full extent of the involvement by the MI6-linked Information Research Department of the Foreign Office in supporting Britain's joining the European Economic Community can be revealed.

For nearly two years, IRD had been funding invitation-only meetings between senior media figures and pro-European politicians, diplomats and businessmen. These were regular, expensive, and well-attended breakfasts at the Connaught Hotel.

McAlpine said last week, Sir William Armstrong, at that time head of the Civil Service, found out about the events. He went to the Prime Minister, Edward Heath, and the IRD funding ceased. As a result ELEC had taken over running the breakfast meetings and McAlpine, then as now a fund-raiser extraordinaire, was brought in.

British and American intelligence services had traditionally supported Britain's entry into the European Economic Community a bulwark against the Communist Eastern bloc. The CIA funded the European Movement, the most prominent extra-governmental group, seeking to influence public opinion for a European Community. Between 1949 and 1953, it was subsidised by the CIA to the tune of £330,000.

In June 1970 Edward Heath's Conservative government had been elected with a pro-European manifesto. But public and parliamentary support for Europe was slipping and Britain's entry was in doubt. Although the Cabinet was dominated by pro-Europeans, Heath presided over a party that was deeply ambivalent about the "Common Market".

Later that year, a meeting of senior information officers in Whitehall was convened to discuss what could be done. An official present at that meeting says the only department that seemed capable of achieving something effective was the Foreign Office's Information Research Department. IRD had been set up in 1948 by Christopher Mayhew, then Foreign Minister, to place covert anti-Communist propaganda throughout the world and was funded by the intelligence budget - the secret vote. IRD was closely linked with MI6 and shared many officers - including at one time the double agent Guy Burgess. 

By the late Sixties, IRD had more than 400 people occupying River-walk House opposite the Tate Gallery and undercover officers in embassies all over the globe.

The civil servant who ran the covert pro-Europe campaign was Norman Reddaway, Under-Secretary of State at the Foreign Office, with a brief covering IRD and other FO information services.
Mr Reddaway, who later became ambassador to Poland, and is now retired, set up a special IRD unit to propagandise in favour of British entry and counter those who opposed it. In an unpublished interview, Mr Reddaway says: "The researchers were extremely good at researching the facts about going into Europe"

The unit worked closely with a number of pro-European politicians to rebut anti-EEC arguments. IRD wrote and brokered articles which were placed in the press "There was no shortage of MPs who were pleased to see something published under their name in The Times and elsewhere," a former insider said.

The separate, breakfast offensive, meanwhile, was organised by the ex-director of publicity for the Conservative Party, Geoffrey Tucker. Mr Tucker had left the position following the Conservatives' victory in 1970 to return to independent public relations, but, as a convinced European, had suggested to Mr Heath that a series of informal meetings should be organised to find ways of ensuring support for entry.

These meetings were to be between "insiders" from the Government and Civil Service (including the negotiators) and "outsiders" (such as media figures and opposition leaders). Tucker set about arranging what would become known as the media breakfasts held in a private room at the Connaught Hotel.

Pro-Europeans from all parties were represented. Those from the Labour Party included Roy Jenkins, Roy Hattersley and Gwyn Morgan, the deputy general secretary of the party, now working for the European Commission. Also present was Michael Ivens, director of the Aims of Industry organisation. The breakfasts were usually attended by Norman Reddaway and Ernest Wistrich, director of the British European Movement.

The meetings usually involved 20-30 people. By bringing in figures such as Nigel Ryan from News at Ten, Ian Trethowen, then managing director of BBC Radio and Marshall Stewart from the BBC Radio Today programme, the media breakfasts were able to suggest pro-European ideas for television and radio programmes. 

Tucker allowed the media guests access to the EEC negotiators. "Into the breakfasts came the people from Brussels. so the people who went to the breakfasts from the media got a briefing on what was actually going on day by day. So we were making news," says Tucker. He says News at Ten started a series of five-minute specials on the EEC, with a strong factual tone, as a direct result of the breakfasts.

Nigel Ryan told us: "I certainly met Tucker many times in the period as he was Heath's media man. I cannot specifically remember these media breakfasts in this distance of time, but the ITN special items may have come out of them. These items would have been made with the usual editorial independence that ITN so fiercely guarded."

Marshall Stewart recalls attending a number of the meetings which he says he found useful to gather information "at a time when there was a paucity of facts about the EEC"

Mr Tucker has even claimed that, after pressure from the campaigners, the broadcaster Jack de Manio was removed from his job as a presenter of BBC Radio's Today programme because he was "too anti-European", But Marshall Stewart denies the claim, describing it as "bizarre"

Very few of the participants appear to have been aware of the source of the funding for the breakfasts, although some had their suspicions. Michael Ivens says he suspected that it might have been funded by IRD. "Tucker once told me that Ted [Heath] objected to the cost of the breakfasts." he said. Tucker says he thought they had been funded by the European Movement. Ernest Wistrich says he is unsure where the money came from.

Following withdrawal of IRD support," the flame was kept alive" according to Tucker, by Geoffrey [later Lord] Rippon and the European League for Economic Co-operation.

After Armstrong prevailed on Edward Heath to cut IRD's secret subsidies, ELEC appointed McAlpine to find funds to keep the pro-Europe media campaign going. "One matter I really do know about is how to organise a good breakfast," McAlpine says. The breakfasts - now in the Dorchester - continued until after the 1975 referendum.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

The Pale Blue Dot

The Pale Blue Dot.

As Carl Sagan wrote, "We succeeded in taking a picture of earth from deep space and if you look at it you see a dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever lived out their lives. The aggregate of all our joys and sufferings, thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilizations, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every hopeful child, every mother and father, every inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there on a mote of dust, suspended in a star spectacled cyclorama.

The earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of the dot on scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner of the dot.

How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds, our posturing, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.

Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity -- in all this vastness -- there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. It is up to us. It's been said that astronomy is a humbling, and I might add, a character-building experience. To my mind, there is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world.”

Excerpt from a commencement address delivered May 11, 1996. Dr. Sagan's book Pale Blue Dot .

No help will come, let us not be coy, there is no need to rest on protocol, let’s name names. After the Japanese whaling fleets have successfully wiped out all the Minke whales from the worlds oceans, purely for scientific purposes you must understand, when the Malaysian loggers have managed to strip the worlds forests bare from Sumatra through to the Amazon Basin.

Maybe when the Indonesians stop mindlessly setting their country alight in yearly preparation for another years planting of crops causing the resulting smoke to cloud the skies of their cities and towns to spread as far as their neighbouring countries and causing millions of tons of carbon dioxide to rise and heat up this pale blue dot.

The drugs lords from Columbia and Burma stop killing the blue dots inhabitants or managing to send a large percentage of its population in a hypnotic daze from hawking happy dust to its people, and the masses of starving humanity over-populating this pale blue dot without any due regard to the this small planets sustainability.

Rich countries who refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement because of the possibility of affecting their countries economic growth. Indonesian fishermen who have depleted their own fish stocks and now resort to trawl illegally in other counties waters just to remove fins from sharks.

The mindless decimation of much of our fauna or to drain the bile from living bears because it is supposed to be an aphrodisiac and will heighten the sexual cravings of superstitious aging Oriental males, the list is endless. Sagan was right “There is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

I am informed from the day I am born I can watch the Chinese people march past me and I will never see the end of the line in my lifetime because of their current numbers. I now read that this is claim to fame is about to be over-taken in the not too distant future by India because of their breeding rates which are beyond comprehension.

If the Indians can do that to their own large country what hope has England got for any sort of future. But who cares. The government doesn’t appear to; they refuse to admit a looming problem exists. They cannot or will not see the big picture it interferes with their plans for a vast globalised consumer market, but eventually well past their lifetimes their descendants are going to pay a very high price indeed for their uncaring selfish greed.

So what is the future for this pale blue dot hanging inconspicuously against a velvet ebon backdrop, what will happen to its peoples, its animals, its birds, its giants of the sea and the hopes and fears of the children left on a dying planet caused by their ancestor’s greed and self interests?

Unknowingly we could be the only planet amongst the entire multiple universes that a greater being planned as the great experiment. As regards other extra terrestrial intelligence? Maybe they don’t exist, who knows? Maybe we really are one of a unique kind, and we blew it!

Who will come and help us? We appear not to be able to help ourselves. But judgement day could be much sooner than we think, because our ills are rising exponentially and very rapidly, we won’t get a second chance.

We must also ask ourselves, do we really care about our planet our people our children and the continuance of this great experiment? We all chorus, yes of course we do, but we are seeing very little pressure put on governments in an effort to stop the heating up of this pale blue dot before it turns grey and dies.