Oh Dear, Canada.
As far as I am aware there have been no similar apologies and pledges of respect from Rome for their excursions into Olde Albion and their abuses to its first people or apologies from Spain for their bloodthirsty forays into South America.
The tears were triggered by the emotive speech Trudeau made where he admitted “no relationship is more important to me than the one with the First Nation. I will give you my word we will renew and respect that relationship” this was interspersed with sobbing. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has just officially recognized Canada’s historical abuses toward aboriginals, a very humanitarian and Christian of the man wouldn’t you say?
In passing what was that important relationship he identified himself with First Nation, was it before he became a Politician of after?
Putting the First Nation people aside for a moment let me take this pantomime a little further if I may. The Canadian National anthem leads with words ‘our home and native land’, whose native land might that be? Trudeau recently declared, not in the same speech obviously or it would have shown up his true plans for his people that “Canada should NOT be defined any longer by its national identity, ethnicity and language and that immigration is going to be the NORM”
To further confirm this he said “we define a Canadian not by a skin colour or language a religion or a background but by a shared set of values aspirations hopes and dreams that not just Canadians but people around the world share” in other words Canada’s doors are open to the rest of the world and is a small cog in the foundation of a single Global Society.
So who does its ‘home and native land belong’? He has a range of speeches to suit every occasion some without the tears reserved for moving speeches for a captive First Nation audience. These were the words spoken by a ‘proud Canadian’ patriot, their leader waxing lyrical of his people’s bright future, that will NOT be defined any longer by its national identity, ethnicity and language and where immigration is going to be the NORM” so it is open house and “home” to the rest of the world
If a people have NO national identity, ethnicity or language then who are they? While drying the tears from his eyes will he strip the people of the FIRST PEOPLE of who he respects unreservedly of THEIR National Identity or is this only reserved for the Johnny-come-lately’s? Like most politicians does he speak with forked tongue? Are the tears for the press or are the promises to harvest First Nation votes come election time, to who was this representative of the people performing?
He intends to remove the glue that holds his nation his people and culture together as a distinct society. If one cannot identify with an ethnic group or society with a common language and culture then his people are on the road to a dark totalitarian future.
Immigration on a grand scale is the tool to achieve this. I doubt if this directive originated from the Canadian Prime Minister but came from a small Cabal that controls the world’s finances, meets in secret held under the Chatham House rules and shapes the world and its future. He is not singing a solo, which makes one realize these leaders are singing from another song-sheet
So to sum up the question that goes begging is if ‘Canada will NOT be defined any longer by its national identity, ethnicity and language and that immigration is going to be the NORM’ what is its future?
Trudeau may have been invited to a seat at a table that the likes of which you and I will never be invited, reserved for people that are busy shaping a New World. What is taking place in Canada is being replicated throughout the West.
Canada’s future is a mirror of what a One World will look like but the target is only the West, which includes Australia, New Zealand, USA, Europe, and of course the UK. Trudeau confirmed it again when he said “This is something that we are able to do in this country because we define a Canadian not by a skin colour or a language or a religion or a background, but by a shared set of values, aspirations, hopes and dreams that not just Canadians but people around the world share” a globalist future no less, at the same time pledging to take in 25,000 refugees by the end of February, that number would be upped to 50,000 by the end of 2016. He said “Everyone in Canada is waiting to meet you.” and claimed all 10 provinces in Canada are in favour of accepting the flood of refugees.
We must not be too hard on the representative of the Canadian people, the British Prime Minister told HIS people, “it is not Islam that needs to fit in with the British way of life but mainstream Britain that needs to integrate more with the Asian way of life” again was the Muslim vote the draw-card nearing election time. The treachery continues. A Jewish parliamentarian sitting in Westminster once said the English as a race do not exist.
It was the French Prime Minister Sarkozy, who told HIS people that they must change, that there will be dire consequences if they don't, and that not to intermarry with Mulattos is bad for the survival of the country, I would say quite the reverse is true. Thus he amalgamated the concepts of preference for minorities in job hiring with that of the need for the French to intermarry racially.
He declined to follow his lofty principles and decided to ignore the fate of his country and let the devil take the hindmost when he married a tall leggy white female bombshell of the Paris catwalks. I am with him on this one, the choice was not difficult. I ask the question did he also attend any meetings held in secret with planners that control the world’s finances and its future.
The treachery of these representatives of the people is unbelievably staggering and the people meekly follow. Peasants need strong leaders not traitors without any principles.
So to sum up the question that goes begging is if ‘Canada will NOT be defined any longer by its national identity, ethnicity and language and that immigration is going to be the NORM’ who are its people and what is their future?
The really good news coming out of the nations capital Ottawa is that Feb 25 has been designated Hijab Day.
I see a pattern developing here throughout the First World. I was also about to write I see a direct correlation between Canada’s future and that of Sweden but I just stopped myself in time.